Thursday, November 7, 2013

0 Dos of Following a Glycemic Index Diet

* Do choose whole grains over processed whenever you can.
* Do enjoy as many fresh fruits and vegetables as you possibly can every day.
* Do look at the “whole picture” when choosing your food items.

Consider all of its characteristics.
* Do try to have at least one food from the low Glycemic Index list at

every meal.
* Do add vinegar or a no-fat vinaigrette dressing to your food

whenever possible since vinegar is acidic and lowers the food’s

Glycemic Index rating (because it slows down your digestion.)
* Do try as many foods as you can from the low Glycemic Index list.

You may be surprised to find some delicious choices that you have

never tried before.
* Do choose foods that are high in fiber. The higher the fiber the

longer it takes to digest, which will leave you feeling fuller longer

and keep your blood sugars at a steady level
for hours. Aim for between 26-35 grams of fiber per day!
* Do start the day with a great breakfast of low Glycemic Index foods.
* Do try to eat your meals at regular times and on a regular basis.
* Do be aware of the types of fats that you choose. While fat is a

necessary nutrient, some are better choices than others are.

Try to use fats that are better for your heart like olive oil and canola.
* Do eat a variety of good foods every day. Our bodies adjust to foods

and by eating differently all of the time it keeps our system “on its toes”

and in shape.
* Do look for “coarseness” in your food choices. Food that

hasn’t been over-processed will appear to have more texture and

will result in lower Glycemic Index numbers.
* Do plan your menus, shop with a list and buy plenty of fresh fruits

and vegetables when they are in season.
* Do invest in a large variety of herbs and seasonings and

experiment with them to add new and exciting flavors to your meals.
* Do look up new Glycemic Index recipes to try in order to keep

your meals interesting and fun.


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