Then, as if good food is consumed to restore energy, but do not make fat? Here are seven good food consumed after exercise.
1. wheat
When exercising in the morning, vacuum the stomach should be filled back with a proper breakfast menu. Foods such as whole wheat bread is the right choice, because they contain lots of fiber that helps restore lost energy after exercise, and will last until much later.
3. Banana
Bananas are an excellent fruit to eat after a workout, because this fruit contains a lot of natural sugars for energy enhancer. Content potassiumnya both to prevent and relieve muscle cramps. As well as antioxidants to boost the growth of new cells.
4. High Protein
After the workout, consume foods that are high in protein and low in fat, because protein is very good for building muscle you. You can try the menu such as tuna, beans, tofu, even a grilled chicken breast.
5. Green Vegetables
The best menu is recommended more vegetables. Eating green vegetables are loaded with nutrients, which can fill and rebuild a substance in your body is missing.
6. Fruit & Yogurt
You have to burn more calories when you exercise, time to replace the lost calories with fresh fruit and yogurt. The yogurt will give you the protein, while sugar
and natural antioxidants you would get from fresh fruit.
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