Lack waterwheel powered indeed caused many wasted while the body needs a lot of vitamins that come in, fatigue is also caused by lack of sleep or less iron, Moreover, considering were fasting month of either time-consuming or bedtime so forth. halini pelu be cautious if menbuang excessive energy and lack of rest while fasting will consequently lead to tingling in the hands and feet, weight loss, constipation, diarrhea lah, dizziness etc and all it refers to Anemia symptoms "should be prevented".
know buddy too focused to run fast and ignore the needs of our immune system, it will approach the other words Anemia is a decrease in the number of red blood cells which are usually caused by iron deficiency. Actually, if you suffer from mild anemia may be you yourself will not have symptoms or feel. To find out tips to prevent and recognize symptoms of anemia during fasting I suggest continue reading this article.
As for tips to recognize the symptoms of Anemia He is:
- Often ngalamin headache and reduced appetite
- Breath is short (tightness) during activity though
- Bleeding retina
- Pale skin color or mouth
- Difficult to concentrate
- Cold on the soles of the feet and hands caused by blood circulation is not good
To prevent anemia symptoms, you can consume foods as simple as
- Spinach
- Kale
- Eggs
- Corn
- Raisins
Of the seven types of food / vegetables / fruits are all high in vitamins and very useful to prevent anemia. There is still a lot that needs to be considered in addition to menkomsumsi eating fruits and vegetables to try to overcome the symptoms of anemia such as adequate sleep IBHS is paramount. That tips to prevent anemia during fasting. Read also regulate fasting diet to keep the body ideal
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