In the Shower
Start your frizz free hair care routine in the shower. What you use in the shower, how you wash your hair and how often you wash your hair all contribute to whether your hair will be frizzy. Use a gentle sulfate free shampoo to clean your hair. Many shampoos contain the lathering agent sulfate, which can dry out hair, by stripping it of moisture. Dry hair is at greater risk for frizz. Next time you are shopping for shampoo check the label for sulfate free ingredients.
After conditioning, rinse your hair with cold water. This is an essential step in avoiding frizzy hair. Warm water opens up the cuticle allowing you to clean the hair shaft, but if you use warm water to rinse your hair the cuticle will stay open allowing moisture in and the hair shaft to swell. Cold water seals the cuticle closed reducing your risk for frizz.
When you are done in the shower gently squeeze out excess water from hair. Instead of rubbing your hair with a rough towel, which can rough up the cuticle, press and squeeze hair with a soft towel or paper towel. You can also wrap hair with a towel to allow it time to dry itself.
While hair is still damp apply a leave in conditioner to seal in needed moisture and lock out excess moisture. A weekly deep conditioning treatment is pivotal to fight frizz. A light weight mask or gloss applied one time a week will replenish the hairs lipid barrier to prevent breakage and repel moisture. A conditioning mask can be applied in the shower and left on for five minutes. Apply a gloss as a protective outer coat to infuse shine and smooth hair.
Do not wash your hair everyday. Over washing can dry out your hair, leading to damage and frizz.
Drying Hair
When blow drying hair use the concentrated nozzle to make the air come out in a flat plane instead of in a circular flow. Aim the air downward to avoid ruffling the cuticle. This flattens the cuticle to the hair shaft. By using a round brush, separate out sections and pull the hair taut. Avoid whipping your hair back and forth, which can disrupt the cuticles exposing them to moisture, and ultimately frizz. Finish off with a blast of cold air to secure a smooth cuticle.
When wearing your hair curly the best defense against frizz is to dampen hair. When coming straight out of the shower apply a cream, serum or oil to wet hair. Apply product evenly through wet hair from root to tip with your fingers. Twist hair into long loose curls and allow hair to air fry. If using a blow dryer, make sure to use one with a diffuser to speed up the frying process. Keep the blow dryer nozzle pointed down. In between shampooing use a curl-refreshing product to eliminate frizz.
When you wear your hair straight start by applying an anti-frizz product to protect hair from the environment such as humidity and rain. Then blow-dry with hot air concentrating the air downward and finishing off with a blast of cold air. In between shampoos use a dry shampoo to extend the time between washings and the use of heat styling tools.
Once hair has dried avoid playing with it. Touching and flipping your hair can aggravate frizz. Its a hard habit to break especially when you leave your hair down.
Plan for the Weather
Be prepared for a rainy day. The humidity that comes with rain can cause your hair to frizz up in an instant. Before you go out add a few drops of frizz serum to your dry hair.
If its a hot, humid day, forget about washing your hair. The natural oils that the body produces act as a barrier against moisture. Its best to use a flat iron or curling iron on steamy days. The combination of heat and pressure will seal the cuticle to the hair shaft very tightly. This way moisture cant penetrate the cuticle and cause frizz.
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Sarah Labdar graduated with a BA in exercise science and has worked in the medical field since. Her focus is alternative medicine and how it interacts and works in conjunction with traditional medicine. Better Health-Live your Life to the fullest! - http://www.universalhealthinfo.com/Steps_to_Reduce_Frizz.htmlArticle Source : Steps To Reduce Frizz In Your Daily Hair Care Routine
Author : Sarah
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