Sunday, September 15, 2013

0 medical benefits of garlic

Medical Benefits of Garlic
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Health Benefits of Garlic
  • May help lower high blood pressure and elevated blood cholesterol.
  • May prevent or fight certain cancers.
  • Antiviral and antibacterial properties help prevent or fight infection.
  • May alleviate nasal congestion.
  • Causes bad breath.
  • Can cause indigestion, especially if eaten raw.
  • Direct contact irritates the skin and mucous membranes.
Garlic is basically a word from old English "garleac" which mean is "spear leek", garlic at least 6000 years back it known as garlic from Asia and frequently spread all around the world in Asia, Africa and especially promoted in Europe.

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Medical Benefits of Garlic
Herbalists and folk healers have used garlic to treat myriad diseases for thousand of years. It is known that ancient Egyptian healers prescribed it to build physical strength, the Greeks used it as a laxative, and the Chinese traditionally used it to lower blood pressure. In the middle ages, consuming liberal quantities of garlic was credited with providing immunity to the plague.
In more modern times, Louis Pasteur, the great 19th century French chemist, demonstrated garlics antiseptic properties, information that was put to use during WORLD WARS I and II by the British, German and Russian Armies. Since then, numerous studies have confirmed that garlic can be effective against bacteria, fungi, viruses, and parasites. Today naturopaths and other proponents of herbal medicine prescribe garlic to help prevent colds, flu, and other infectious diseases.
Scientists have begun studying garlic more intensely in recent years, with 500 papers having been published in medical journals on the protective effects of garlic since the mid 1980s. Much of this research has focused on the effect of garlic on blood cholesterol and blood pressure. Studies indicate that allicin, a chemical that forms when garlic is crushed reduces cholesterol levels and lowers high  blood pressure. It also appears to reduce the ability of blood platelets to form blood clots, thus possibly reducing the risk of heart attacks and strokes. to date how ever, these studies have not proved that garlic presents heart attacks and other cardiovascular disorders.

Health Benefits of Garlic
Ongoing research is indicating that garlic has an anticancer potential, so far it appears that eating garlic lowers to risk of colon cancer in humans. In addition studies using laboratory animals have shown that garlic can help shrink cancer of the breast, skin, and lungs, as well as help prevent cancers of the colon and esophagus.

It is not yet known which of the many active substances in garlic contribute to its health effect. Both allicin and SAC, another Compound that has been shown to be effective against tumors in laboratory animals are found in fresh garlic, garlic powder and garlic pills. the main drawback o garlic pills is that products available vary greatly in the amount of active compounds they contain. Garlic pills are also more expensive that fresh garlic and garlic powder.

Health benefits of Garlic
Just how much garlic must be consumed to achieve any health benefits is unknown. Many German doctors prescribe 4g or the equivalent of two small cloves to treat high blood pressure and elevated cholesterol. It takes much more at least 10 cloves to inhabit blood clotting to the same degree as a daily aspiring. Also practitioners disagree as to whether cooked or dried garlic confers the same benefits imparted by eating it raw, while there is no guarantee that garlic will prevent hear disease or cancer, at the very least it will add flavor to meals. Its major drawback is that it can make the breath smell it can also cause indigestion in some people, especially when eating raw. In addition, handing raw garlic can irritate the skin and mucous membranes. 

Health Benefits of Garlic


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