In addition to health benefits, mangosteen fruit apparently also efficacious for beauty. The function of the mangosteen fruit for beauty is evident with the discovery that turns mangosteen can prevent free radicals that cause tinea versicolor, to bacteria harmful to the body.
The content of the mangosteen fruit is known Stiebenes proved beneficial to beauty, especially to prevent the onset of various fungi that harm the body. In addition to the women who ate the fruit mangosteen regularly will add physical beauty, while providing the strength and endurance increase.
To prevent mold, then you can make use of mangosteen skin and warm water.
Method: Scrape the inside of the mangosteen skin soft, then mix the results with warm water lukewarm. Soak potentially infected body part molds, such as the feet. Soak for 3-5 minutes, then wash with a towel. This herb can also be used as rinse water body while bathing.
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