Health Benefits of Nuts And Seeds
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health benefits of nuts and seeds |
Rich in vitamin E and potassium.
Most are high in minerals, including calcium, iron, magnesium and zinc.
Some are good sources of foliate niacin, and other B vitamins.
A good source of protein, especially when combined with legumes.
Some are high in fiber.
High in fat and calories.
Oils quickly turn rancid when exposed to oxygen.
Common allergy triggers.
May cause choking in children and people with swallowing problems.
The molds in peanuts and other nuts may produce cancer causing a flatirons.
Raw cashews contain irritating oil.
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health benefits of nuts and seeds |
Nuts and seed are our daily routine nutritional; it’s a part of our life. The embryos of various trees, bushes, and other plants, nuts and seeds are packed with all the nutrients that are needed to grow an entire new plant various nuts and seeds have been valued for their high nutritional content since prehistoric times, and as early as 10,000 BC humans began to cultivate nuts and seed bearing plants.
Today, even though grains and legumes are more widely produced, nuts and seeds remain important food crops. COCONUTS are the world’s leading nut crop, followed by peanuts, which are actually legumes but are often classified and consumed as nuts.
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health benefits of nuts and seeds |
NUTRITIONAL VALUE:Nuts and seeds are the richest source of vitamin E, which is needed to make red blood cells and muscle tissue, it is also an important ANTIOXIDANT, which may be a source of protection against HEART DISEASE. A half cup of almonds provides more than twice the daily requirement of vitamin E.
Most nuts and seeds are a rich source of potassium about 4 ounces of almonds, Brazil nuts, peanuts, pine nuts, pistachios, or sunflower seeds provide more than 500 mg of this electrolyte. Almonds and pistachios, as well as flax, pumpkin, and sesame seeds are very high in iron. A cup of almonds, Brazil nuts, filberts, or pistachios, or an ounce of sesame seeds, contains as much calcium as a cup of milk. Other minerals found in most nuts and seeds include magnesium, phosphorus and zinc. They are also rich in the B vitamins. Almonds and peanuts are especially high in foliating. Most nuts are high in niacin, sunflower seeds and Brazil nuts are high in thiamine.
Although most nuts and seeds are high in fats, many of them provide good amounts of protein. With the exception of peanuts, however, they lack lysine, and essential amino acid necessary to make a complete protein. This amino acid can easily be obtained by combining them with legumes. Finally, most nuts and seeds are a good source of dietary fiber. A cup of almonds provides 20g more than any other nuts.
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health benefits of nuts and seeds |
THE FAT ISSUE:Nuts have two major drawbacks, they are high in calories and fats, but with the exception of coconuts and palm nuts, their oil is mostly mono or polyunsaturated, hence they are not as likely to promote ATHEROSCLEROSIS the clotting of blood vessels with fatty plaque, as saturated animal fats.
Still nuts should be consumed sparingly. Macadamia nuts with more than 1,000 calories per cup are the highest in calories; Brazil nuts are a close second. Other nuts and seeds contain about 700 to 820 calories per cup.
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health benefits of nuts and seeds |
SOME OTHER PROBLEMS:Some nuts and seeds especially peanuts, provoke ALLERGIC REACTIONSin many people. Symptoms range from a tingling sensation in the mouth to HIVES and in extreme cases to anaphylaxis, a life threatening emergency, but because the different varieties are not closely related, a person who is allergic to walnuts may be able to eat another type of nuts or seeds.
Warning: Choking deaths are often traced to nuts. Young children and those who have difficulty chewing or swallowing should not be given nuts unless they have been finely chopped.
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health benefits of nuts and seeds |
1- Americans consume an average of 12 pounds of peanuts a year.
2- Gathered from trees in the Amazon basin, Brazil nuts are the only variety that is not cultivated.
3- There are two varieties of almonds, the edible type is sweet, and the inedible or bitter type of almonds contains a form of cyanide.
4- All pistachios are tan, but imported ones are usually dyed red, and some domestic varieties are bleached white.
5- By weight, both pumpkin and sesame seeds have more iron than liver does.
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