Tuesday, September 24, 2013

0 Stay Young Naturally

Natural Nutrition:

* Keep looking and feeling young and help ward off diseases of aging,
from Alzheimer’s to stroke and heart disease, by eating more fruit and
* To boost the number of fruit servings you eat each day, slice fresh
fruit or spoon soaked dried fruit onto morning breakfast.
* Snack on grapes, dried fruit and berries, and eat an apple

or banana mid morning or afternoon. Follow meals with

a fruit salad or baked or poached fruit.
* Eat naturally deep green, yellow, and red foods (i.e.) peppers, broccoli,
spinach, sweet potatoes, carrots, and pumpkin.
* Choose ripe, seasonal fruit and vegetables and grains in their whole
form to ensure maximum flavor while retaining vitamins and
* As you age, you may find you can’t tolerate large portions. Increase the
amount of exercise you get to boost appetite: aim for 30 minutes a day.
* Fiber-rich whole grains are a particularly good food choice as we age.
* Women who eat fries twice a week increase their risk of contracting
type-2 diabetes, a major disease affecting people post middle age.
* Eggs are always a good way to start the day for a high-quality protein hit.

TIP: Color and texture play an important role in healthy eating.


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