Want to know what can trigger bad breath? Here are 7 (seven) the most common cause your breath smell:
1. Stacking food: piling leftovers mouthfeel is the most common cause of bad breath. Food particles are transformed into the anaerobic bacteria producing bad breath like rotten eggs.
2. Tooth decay: Tooth decay (caries) by bacteria are the main agents that cause bad breath. Rotten teeth that can lead to demineralization causing halitosis (bad breath).
3. Dry mouth (Xerostomia): Saliva has many antibacterial content. When there is a reduction or even none at all saliva in the oral cavity, this can lead to a buildup of plaque that helped the growth of bacteria that cause bad breath.
4. Gum disease: Gum disease and periodontal disease is an important causative agent of bad breath.
5. Smoking: In addition to damaging health, smoking habits can also lead to bad breath. This is caused due to an accumulation of nicotine, tar and foul-smelling substances other in the oral cavity.
6. Super-strict diet: Apart from other hazards that may affect health, severe dieting can also cause bad breath caused by ketoacidosis due to prolonged starvation.
7. Sources from outside the mouth: In addition to the damage to the teeth and gums, cause bad breath can also come from outside, such as respiratory tract infections, diabetes and kidney dysfunction.
Source: resep.web.id
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