Benefits of Guava
Since the early fifties keen interest has been elicited about Guava especially the leaves. Efforts were made to identify the ingredients which are effective in various medicinal properties exhibited by Guava leaves. Guava leaves are used in various native medicines used. guava leaves contain ingredients which have a role to play in various ailments such as cancer, Infections, inflammation, and pain. Essential oil of guava leaves have been particularly effective in improving the prognosis of cancer and other immunological diseases.

A decoction of the leaves and the bark are used by the Tikuna natives for dysentry. The treatment is so effective that it is being used by the inhabitants of the cities also. The Amazon Indians also use the leaves extract for diarrhea and as a gargle for sore throat, emesis, digestive ailments, and menstrual disorders. The leaves are also used as a mouth freshener and relief from tooth aches.
The leaves extract is also used as a douche for candidiasis and for the tightening of the vaginal walls especially after child birth. Leaves are crushed and applied on wounds and bruises. Flowers are crushed and the extract is used as eye drops to alleviate the pain and burning during conjunctivitis or sun strain. The benefits of Guava leaves have also been mentioned in the old Dutch pharmacopia. The fruit was taken to other parts of the world by the Dutch and other explorers. In modern days guavas are found in most parts of the world.
Guavas are rich in saponins, carotenoids, lectins, flavonoids, essential oils, vitamins, tannins, phenols, triterpenes, fiber and fatty acids. It is also a rich source of Vitamin C many times greater than oranges. It also has moderate quantity of Vitamin A. The leaves are particularly rich in flavonoids like Quercetin. Much of the medicinal properties of guava are attributed to these flavonoids. Flavonoids are also responsible for the anti-bacterial activity of Guava leaves. Quercetin is also responsible for the anti diarrheal action of Guava leaves since it relaxes the smooth muscles of the GI tract and also inhibits the bowel contractions.
Guava [] the poor mans apples have much greater health benefits than apples.
Article by : Stanley George, Source:
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