Home Remedies for yeast infection
Most of the women suffer yeast infection atleast once in their lifetime like many other health problems yeast infection can also be treated with home remedies.
Garlic is well known to all for its healing properties as well as its capability of killing yeast. Yes garlic is a natural yeast killer thus an effective home remedy for yeast infection.. If a woman identifies the yeast infection in its starting stage ( if its recurring yeast infection you will definitely figure it out at the onset itself ) she can very conveniently get rid of the infection using a clove of garlic.
To treat yeast infection at home with garlic, take a clove of garlic and peel its shell. You can use the garlic clove as it is, no need to crush as crushing it will cause severe burning sensation in the vagina. Place the garlic clove into the vagina at night (bedtime). If burning sensation is felt, wrap the garlic clove with a thin muslin cloth. If the infection is not very severe one day treatment will bring in the results. If the itching sustains then repeat the treatment the next day also.
Apple cider vinegar has anti-fungal properties an so it can prove to be a great help for sufferers of yeast infections.
How to use apple cider vinegar for curing yeast infection at home ?
Fill your bath tub will water at least till the point it covers your groin area. Add half a cup of apple cider vinegar to the water. Now soak yourself in this water for half an hour and then you may proceed for your bath / shower.
Some people also suggest drinking the apple cider vinegar with water. But its really hard to drink it as its taste is just terrible (for me atleast).
Probiotics are the good bacteria that feed on yeast. If due to some medication or any other reason the good bacteria present in our body is killed the yeast starts multiplying as a result of which the yeast infection is caused.
Yogurt can be applied directly to the vagina. Another way is using a tampoon. Put the yogurt in the tampoon and insert the tampoon in the vagina. Leave it there overnight.
It is also suggested to consume 1 cup of yogurt every day as it can act as probiotic supplement when the bodys good bacteria is destroyed due to antibiotics, poor immune system etc. Thus yogurt make a good home remedy for yeast infections.
Women having recurring yeast infections may become allergic to food that has yeasts and molds. they should avoid food and beverages such as bread, beer, fermented food, cheese etc.
Sexual intercourse can irritate the inflammation caused by yeast infection. You are at a risk of communicating your infection to your partner, which is not something you would like to do.
These are just simple and easy home remedies for yeast infection. If you found this article helpful please share it with others too.
Most of the women suffer yeast infection atleast once in their lifetime like many other health problems yeast infection can also be treated with home remedies.
In ancient days home remedies used to be the primary aid for any health condition, tt was the time when in many countries allopathic treatments were not even introduced. The most popular treatment method was using home remedies. Asian countries had their indigenous system of traditional medicine like Ayurveda and Unani system of medicine.
Home remedies have got their own advantages and benefits. However one is always advised to take guidance from an expert practitioner before starting any type of treatment at home.
Yeast which is also known as candida fungus is already present in human body. The problem arises only when the count of the yeast exceeds a certain limit. It is widely believed that only women can have yeast infection, but the fact states that men too can have yeast infections.
In this article we are specifically discussing about yeast infection in women.
A small number of bacteria and yeast already live in the vagina. The bacteria (Lactobacillus acidophilus) keeps the other organism under control. When this balance of organisms is disturbed (due any ready) infections occur.
Causes of Vaginal Yeast Infection:
Intake of antibiotics: Antibiotics kills the bacteria. This leads to the over growth of candida albicans
Pregnancy: A lot of hormonal changes take place during pregnancy which may result in imbalance in vaginal acidity.
Certain diseases like diabetes and HIV are also responsible for yeast infections
Yeast overgrowth Symptoms (vaginal infection)
Itching in the skin around vagina
Vaginal discharge
Pain during sexual intercourse
Burning sensation while passing the urine
Just as a woman realizes that she has yeast infection she rushes to the doctor or to the chemist. The over the counter creams do help ingetting rid of yeast infection but the use of home remedies for yeast infections gives long lasting results without side effects
Home Remedies for curing yeast infection naturally
Garlic Home remedy for curing Yeast Infection:

To treat yeast infection at home with garlic, take a clove of garlic and peel its shell. You can use the garlic clove as it is, no need to crush as crushing it will cause severe burning sensation in the vagina. Place the garlic clove into the vagina at night (bedtime). If burning sensation is felt, wrap the garlic clove with a thin muslin cloth. If the infection is not very severe one day treatment will bring in the results. If the itching sustains then repeat the treatment the next day also.
Apple Cider vinegar is a very good home remedy for yeast infection
Apple cider vinegar has anti-fungal properties an so it can prove to be a great help for sufferers of yeast infections.
How to use apple cider vinegar for curing yeast infection at home ?
Fill your bath tub will water at least till the point it covers your groin area. Add half a cup of apple cider vinegar to the water. Now soak yourself in this water for half an hour and then you may proceed for your bath / shower.
Some people also suggest drinking the apple cider vinegar with water. But its really hard to drink it as its taste is just terrible (for me atleast).
Yogurt as a home remedy for curing yeast infection at home
Probiotics are the good bacteria that feed on yeast. If due to some medication or any other reason the good bacteria present in our body is killed the yeast starts multiplying as a result of which the yeast infection is caused.
Yogurt can be applied directly to the vagina. Another way is using a tampoon. Put the yogurt in the tampoon and insert the tampoon in the vagina. Leave it there overnight.
It is also suggested to consume 1 cup of yogurt every day as it can act as probiotic supplement when the bodys good bacteria is destroyed due to antibiotics, poor immune system etc. Thus yogurt make a good home remedy for yeast infections.
Certain Oils prove to be good home remedies for yeast infection
Tea Tree oil
Coconut Oil
After you have used any of above home remedies to cure yeast infection you should now aim to restore the level of good Bacteria in your bod.
Use any of following douches
Garlic oil
Oregano Oil.
you can also insert probiotics to increase good bacteria.
Increase the intake of yogurt, garlic and fresh vegetables in our dail diet.
After you have used any of above home remedies to cure yeast infection you should now aim to restore the level of good Bacteria in your bod.
Use any of following douches
Garlic oil
Oregano Oil.
you can also insert probiotics to increase good bacteria.
Increase the intake of yogurt, garlic and fresh vegetables in our dail diet.
To get rid of yeast infection
Do not use starch based after bath powders as starch makes a perfect medium for the fungus to grow. If you still want to use dusting powder keep it outside your panties.Women having recurring yeast infections may become allergic to food that has yeasts and molds. they should avoid food and beverages such as bread, beer, fermented food, cheese etc.
Sexual intercourse can irritate the inflammation caused by yeast infection. You are at a risk of communicating your infection to your partner, which is not something you would like to do.
Tips for getting rid of yeast infection at home
How to kill the yeast infection causing fungus
- Scrub your panties a little more than you do when you are infection free. Scrub the crotch of your panties wih unscented detergents.
- Soak your undergarments for about 24 hours in bleach, this will kill the candida albicans.
- Iron your panties with hot iron, heat is also a good candida killer.
These are just simple and easy home remedies for yeast infection. If you found this article helpful please share it with others too.
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