If your dentist determines that you are a good candidate for the cleaning procedure, you will have several options. One of these is to have the them bleached in your dentists office. This can usually be accomplished in one visit where the dentist will apply a gel to your gums for protection from the bleach. He will then use special lights or lasers to help speed up the process. You could also bleach them at home with whiteners that contain peroxide. These are usually purchased in gel form to be used according to manufacturers directions. You could experience some sensitivity and irritation in the gums after using this product and could take several applications. Finally, you could use a whitening toothpaste and work on the process each time you brush your teeth. This toothpaste has special ingredients that aid in the teeth whitening process and help remove stains. They dont change your tooth color because they only work on the surface stains. Like bleach that you use at home, this will take several applications.
Bleaching does work in most situations, so make sure that you have consulted with your dentist before trying it at home. Then, when you are looking for the best teeth whitening system for your personal use, make sure that it is approved by the American Dental Association. That way you know that it has been tested and proven to be safe and effective.
A Scottsdale teeth whitening specialist can help if you want a better smile. Take a look here: http://www.scottsdaledentalcare.net.
By : Anna Woodward
Article Source : You Have Options When It Comes To Teeth Whitening
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