For knowledge, now 48,2 the people on ages more of 10 years is on less of physical activity. Accord to WHO, 60-80% adult population not active in physically.
Physical inactivity is a long time may cause overweight or obese. In the world, obesity ranks fourth leading cause of death or contributed to 30 percent of world mortality.
"From our time 24 hours a day, mostly allocated to inactive. The portion of the most sleep, then work all day sitting in front of the computer. The trip home was also a lot of sitting, at home coupled with watching television and playing video games on weekends,"said Urip Nuratno, fitness training manager of Fitness First Indonesia.
In fact, to keep in shape, WHO recommends that we exercise at least 30 minutes every day. Sport is meant is that regular physical activity. May we can keep our shape by exercise for 30 minutes a day. Good Luck
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