Symptoms of diseases such as stroke, aneurysm (bleeding from blood vessels) and meningitis is usually a headache. So its worth watching headache that feels very different from regular headaches. So you are required to be more aware of the pain in your head
Unusual dizziness symptoms mean blood vessel abnormalities in the brain that has begun to leak slightly. This condition can change, causing severe bleeding and can be life threatening
Here are three signs of headache that require a doctor immediately.
1. Headache accompanied by neck pain and fever
Headaches accompanied by pain or stiffness in the neck and fever may be a sign of meningitis. Meningitis or inflammation of the lining of the central nervous system can quickly turn into a critical.
Typical symptoms are fever, headache and muscle stiffness in the neck that lasts for hours or be felt up to 2 days.
2. Headaches accompanied by nausea
Nausea or vomiting accompanied by severe neurological disorders such as difficulty speaking or walking can be a sign of hemorrhagic stroke, ie stroke accompanied by bleeding on the brain.
Damage caused by stroke can occur very quickly, either because of bleeding or due to the increased pressure of fluid on the brain. Bleeding in the brain tissue can cause death.
3. The most severe headaches like never before
Regular headaches painful enough. But if you have a headache that feels the worst of which have never experienced before, it could be a sign of aneurysm.
Aneurysm is leaking or rupture of blood vessels in the brain. Seepage of blood that soaks the brain causes the patient only complained of dizziness. But over time, blood can seep into a flood of blood in the brain. This is what causes the sufferer to die suddenly.
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