Friday, October 11, 2013

0 Useful Fitness Tips



* Stop Smoking.
* Reduce stress.
* Drink plenty of water.
* Wear a seatbelt.
* Reduce alcohol consumption.
* Laugh.
* Dont ignore body changes.
* Sleep.
* Take tests.
* Check yourself.


* Get a heart rate monitor: A heart rate monitor ensures you don’t

over train or workout at too high a tempo and can help you hit your goals
* No pain good gains: When performing a normal cardio session

you should still have the breath to conduct a conversation,

don’t overdo the intensity it won’t benefit your development.
* Do something you enjoy: Hate running? Don’t do it.

Love cycling? Do that. Pick a cardio routine you will look forward to doing
* Switch machines: A forty minute treadmill workout can be boring

can’t it? Why not switch between the treadmill, rower, elliptical

and stepper?
* Play with the intensity: When you have completed your base phase

why not throw the odd high intensity session into your workout?

Sprint for thirty seconds and jog for two minutes and continue this for

twenty minutes. A real tough workout!
* Get the correct equipment: If you are running as part of your

cardio routine, ensure you have the correct footwear.

The wrong equipment will get you injured.
* Do it in the morning: Performing your cardio routine in the morning

on an empty stomach will massively improve the session’s

fat burning properties.
* Stay hydrated: You will quickly become dehydrated if you’re not

taking on water during your cardio sessions.
* Stay Motivated: A standard cardio workout can become boring

quite quickly so make sure you have some music on the go or a great

view to keep you focussed.
* Wait at least 45 minutes before eating: Waiting for at least

45 minutes after your cardio session before eating will massively
benefit your fat burning capabilities


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