In fact, using drugs to lower blood pressure can contribute to a host of damaging side effects including death. Fortunately you can take advantage of nature`s treasure of antioxidants from fruits and vegetables and supplement with lipoic acid to dramatically lower your risk of heart attack and stroke.
Protein Damage Contributes to High Blood Pressure

Researchers found that a low antioxidant status was indicative of increased blood pressure. Insufficient circulating antioxidants allow damage to angiotensinogen protein molecules and loss of blood pressure regulation. The study determined that simply increasing antioxidant status was not enough to fully lower blood pressure readings and found that other mitigating factors such as stress, being overweight, and insulin resistance generated high levels of free radical damage. When these factors were addressed and controlled, increased intake of antioxidants from natural food sources and supplementation effectively lowered blood pressure levels.
Antioxidants Lower Risk of Stroke by 60%

Lipoic Acid Rejuvenates Antioxidant Status During Aging
The human body functions at an advanced metabolic rate and our cellular mitochondria generate large amounts of free radicals that wreak damage in the process. Mitochondria are the energy producing structures in each cell and are particularly vulnerable to free radical damage. Details of a study published in the Annals of the New York Academy of Science demonstrated how lipoic acid is able to prevent damage to the mitochondria by providing a powerful antioxidant shield to the cellular structure. They found the `R-lipoic acid` form to be most effective.
Energy production within our body generates large numbers of free radicals that are known to be the cause of aging and chronic conditions including heart disease, high blood pressure and stroke. In addition to controlling external factors such as stress, weight and insulin resistance, increasing antioxidant status from raw foods and supplements is shown to slow the aging process and dramatically lower the risk of disease.
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