It discusses the causes of overweight in children and offers solutions that involve the whole family.
Its short, easy to read, and full of great tips, including:
- Plan parties and vacations around movement and play.
- When taking part in activities, emphasize fun, not skill.
- Don’t draw attention to healthy foods you’ve purchased.
- In restaurants or cafeterias - Choose smaller sizes, share side orders, set aside half of a restaurant dinner for lunch the next day.
- Don’t overly restrict sweets or treats—try “everyday” and “sometimes” foods.
English version (pdf):
Your Childs Weight
Help Your Child with Successful Weight Management
Spanish version (pdf):
El Peso de Su Hijo
Ayude a su hijo a manejar su peso con exito
Photo compliments of the Cincinnati Childrens Hospitals Young and Healthy magazine. It appears in the magazines "Ask Dr. Manfroy" column. Dr. Manfroys response to My overweight child seems to be losing interest in school and activities. Can you help me understand what’s going on? offers additional insight into the sensitive issue of overweight in children.
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