Tuesday, November 19, 2013

0 How To Prevent Breakouts And Acne

When you mix oil and bacteria in a clogged pore, you have the recipe
for acne,
but you can stop the breakout cycle by targeting each
of the elements that
contribute to pimples and enjoy a clearer

BACTERIA: If it werent for a strain of bacteria called P. acnes,
there would be
no pimples. Although everyone has P. acne present
on their skin, the bacteria
become problematic when coupled with
clogged pores.

NATURAL HEALER: Tea tree oil has long been used as a natural
remedy because
of its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.

OILY SKIN: The products you use and even the medications you
take can rev up
the oil glands.When excess oil and dead skin cells
clog up the pores, bacteria can
multiply and lead to breakouts.

TIP: Most people have a tendency to break out in the same part
of the face
most of the time, so if you experience a flare-up in an
unusual spot, make an appointment
with your dermatologist to
make sure it’s not some other kind of reaction or irritation.

BODY ACNE: Although the location of the blemishes may be different,
the body acne cycle
is the same.

SWEAT: Perspiration acts like a film that traps oil, dirt and debris
in the pore. If you work out,
shower right away.

CLOTHING: Wearing clothing that doesn’t breathe—especially when
perspiring—traps sweat
against the skin. Irritating fabric can cause
breakouts as well, since the skin reacts to the friction.

PRODUCTS: Skin-care products can clog pores anywhere on the body.
Depending on where you’re
breaking out, consider the products that come in contact with your skin. Hair products, body lotions and even
detergents or fabric softeners may be to blame.


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2012 i wanna free acne Health basic