Wednesday, April 30, 2014

0 A Watershed Year What 2013 Holds for the Patient Centered Medical Home PCMH

The savvy Jeff Levin-Scherz, who blogs over at Managing Healthcare Costs has responded to the Disease Management Care Blogs snarky "Prattling Pinheads of Pessimism" post on the topic of the Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH). 

Hes not a nattering nabob of negativity or a prattling pessimistic pinhead, says he.  Hed like to be thought of as a skeptic seeking substantiation.   The DMCB wholeheartedly approves of the agreeable alliterative appellation.

2013 may well turn out to be the watershed decision year for the PCMH:

If theres no published peer-reviewed proof that it reduces health care costs, nabobs, pinheads, skeptics and policymakers will need to decide if no evidence of an impact on costs is the same as evidence of no impact on costs.

If the answer is no, THEN well then have to decide if the traditional "X causes Y" mathematical approaches to derive proof (such as a comparison of averages using standard power calculations and/or impact on expected or observeed trend) are equal to the task in a very "statistically noisy" environment involving complicated human beings.

If that answer is no, THEN well have to decide if reasonable and informed assessments of potential cost reductions, used by countless other businesses every day in other sectors of the economy, are good enough,

If that answer is no, THEN well have to decide if there is face value to the PCMH. This involves a contrast of any patient benefit versus its incremental cost.  If the benefit is worth the cost.....

THEN we may have to decide if consumers are willing to pay for it, or if health care costs will need to be cut elsewhere to pay for it.

Stay tuned!

0 Do You Have Sitting Disease

Youre probably inactive for more of your day than you realize. Do you sit in your car while commuting to an eight-hour-a-day desk job, then unwind in front of the television all evening? Do you depend on email, direct-deposit paychecks, and online shopping to accomplish tasks that would have required you to run errands 10 or 20 years ago?
If so, then you may have "sitting disease." Thats the new buzzword for a sedentary lifestyle, which may put your health at risk.
Levines advice: Fight sitting disease by taking steps to become more physically active. But how do you actually do that when youre locked into a lot of sitting time at work and getting around town?

Beat Sitting Disease: 11 Simple Solutions

Its possible to drastically revamp your life to become more physically active – adding an expensive treadmill to your office or home, placing a new exercise bike in front of the television, hiring a personal trainer. But there are also simpler, less costly solutions.

  • Get NEAT. Levine recommends studding your day with nonexercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT), which includes stretching, turning, and bending. Aim for 10 minutes of NEAT each hour. "When I speak to the patient who is battling with [a sedentary lifestyle],I cant afford the gym is no longer a barrier," Levine says. "What Im asking you to do doesnt cost anything. You integrate activity into your day, whether pacing around on the telephone, not using email, or taking the kids for a walk in the mall." 

·                     Think beyond your workout. Even if you exercise at lunch, you may still be sitting too much. "Getting one hour of exercise in the middle of the day is obviously going to be better than not doing anything, but that still leaves approximately seven hours of predominantly sitting during the workday," David Dunstan, PhD, tells WebMD in an email. "We have to have a whole-day approach to physical activity promotion," says Dunstan, who heads the physical activity laboratory in the division of metabolism and obesity at Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute in Melbourne, Australia. He led the study on TV time and the risk of dying from cardiovascular disease. 
  • Mix standing and sitting. Sitting constantly is unhealthy, but standing still for long stretches of time can cause problems, too, such as bad backs or sore feet. Its better to frequently shift between sitting and standing, Dunstan notes. 

  • Take regular breaks. "Most people know that if they dont exercise, theyll gain weight, but they arent motivated to become more active," says exercise physiologist Fabio Comana, spokesman for the American Council on Exercise in San Diego. Get yourself moving more often with small goals, he says. "Stretch out your entire body, all the muscles that are cramped. If you do it five or six times a day, youll start to notice a difference." 

  • Pretend its 1985. Have a question for your co-worker down the hall? Dont shoot him an e-mail; walk to his cubicle and ask him face to face. Some companies have instituted email-free Fridays to get employees out of their chairs more often, Levine says. 

  • Adopt new habits. Standing uses more muscles and burns more calories than sitting, so train yourself to stand whenever you talk on the telephone. Pace during staff meetings, if your boss will allow it. Ask friends to go for a walk during lunch instead of chatting in the break room. Use the stairs instead of the elevator.

  • Rearrange the office. Help your company encourage its employees to be more physically active without suggesting that they install treadmills at every workstation, Levine says. Start having walk-and-talk meetings with your co-workers, rather than conference room meetings. Move trash cans out of cubicles to make people walk to throw out garbage. Relocate water coolers by windows, where people will want to congregate. 

  • Embrace new technology. Telecommute from a park on a sunny day, or walk around outside while participating in a conference call. "Instead of tying people to their desks, technology is starting to release people from their desks," Levine says, noting the widespread use of text messaging, laptops, and cell phones with wireless Internet access. "The evolution of technology allows people to be far more mobile." 

  • End your workday with a bang, not a whimper. Prolonged sitting at work can tire you out, making you zone out as 5 p.m. approaches, Comana says. "But if you take a brisk, 15-minute walk in the afternoon, youll be far more productive in your last two hours. If youre worried that you dont have time for a walk, you may be surprised that you get your work done more quickly afterwards." 

  • Rethink your commute. Its dangerous to try to exercise while youre driving, but if you take a bus or train to work, you can stand, clench, and relax your muscles or get off a stop early and walk several blocks. If mass transit isnt an option, find a distant parking spot so you walk for a few minutes before and after work, Dunstan says. 

  • Watch more television. That is, if you vow to be active when you watch. "It is not our objective at all to discourage people from watching TV," Levine says. Pull your dust-covered treadmill out of retirement, place it in front of the television and only allow yourself to watch when youre walking. No exercise equipment? March in place or tidy the room while watching. Just dont be a couch potato:  Research shows that the longer you sit watching television, the greater your waist circumference, and the higher your risk is of dying from cardiovascular disease, Dunstan says.

0 Modern Climate Control Linked to Weight Gain and Obesity

(Article first published as Is Your Warm House The Reason You Can’t Lose Weight? on Technorati.)
We are all well aware that eating too much and insufficient exercise are important factors that determine our weight and drive the current obesity epidemic. Weight gain and loss is a product of many other lifestyle factors including stress, sleep and even the temperature of your house. A review published in the journal Obesity Reviews examines the link between reduced exposure to the cold and obesity in the UK and US.

We Burn More Calories When Cold
It’s not something we think a lot about when we’re sitting in our favorite easy chair in front of a warm fire in our well insulated house during winter. We can easily control our environment with a turn of the thermostat. In fact, the only deterrent to staying warm for most people is fear of the fuel oil or electric bill at the end of the month.

Historically, humans have lived in cold climates where they had to endure bitter cold for extended periods. Our body must burn calories at a much higher level to keep us warm during these times, and the increased metabolism helps to prevent overweight and obesity. This study review attempts to explain that seasonal cold helps to regulate energy balance and can help maintain normal body weight on a population level.

Indoor Temperatures Have Increased Over the Past Several Decades
Widespread access to central heating and air conditioning contribute to a restriction of the temperature variations experienced under natural conditions. Humans have evolved to acclimate to mild thermal stress, as our metabolic rate can easily adjust to differing temperature zones. When we’re cold, our heart rate and blood pressure increase as blood vessels close to the skin constrict in response to reduced temperatures.

The net effect is more calories burned for a longer period of time and this translates into lower body weight. Researchers have found that we experience a much smaller range of temperature variation than we did just 30 years ago. While this may not fully explain the skyrocketing overweight and obesity rates now seen across the US and UK, it does provide an important clue to how our environment can impact our ability to maintain a normal weight.

External Temperature Can Modify Our Fat Structure
Over the past decade, medical researchers have gained a much better understanding about the two distinctly different types of adipose or fat cells that we accumulate. White fat is metabolically active tissue that accumulates most commonly around the hips and mid-section of the body. Excess amounts of white fat are associated with inflammation, metabolic disease, heart disease and cancer.

Brown fat is a thermally active type of tissue that actually burns calories for energy and is associated with a higher metabolic rate and lower weight range. Researchers from the Obesity Reviews study found that when people spend more time in a climate controlled environment they produce less brown fat and metabolize fewer calories at rest. This was found to result in a tendency to gain weight, especially when coupled with a sedentary lifestyle.

The researchers concluded "Research into the environmental drivers behind obesity, rather then the genetic ones, has tended to focus on diet and exercise -- which are undoubtedly the major contributors. However, it is possible that other environmental factors, such as winter indoor temperatures, may also have a contributing role. This research theore raises the possibility for new public health strategies to address the obesity epidemic." The bottom line is to caully control calories and remain physically active. Be mindful that external environmental factors also contribute to your ability to successfully lose weight.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

0 Reshape Your Smile Dental Tips

DID YOU KNOW: Overbrushing teeth, as an attempt to eliminate
bad breath,
can actually make breath worse because it can
dry out the mouth.

A DARK TOOTH: A lone, dark tooth usually results from trauma
that cuts off
blood supply to the tooth and leads to the
death of the nerve. In these cases,
you need to make sure the
tooth has been treated from a root canal perspective.
bleaching, when the whitening agent is placed inside
the tooth, can be performed.

WHITENING TIP: When using at-home whitening trays created by your dentist, you should start to see results within a week. But you may experience tooth sensitivity during the first few days as well. In this case, a toothpaste designed for sensitive teeth and using the trays every other day can help.

TEA TIME: Scientifically proven to be effective in fighting bad breath, green tea inhibits the production of the bacteria that causes bad breath.

FIND THE SOURCE OF YOUR STAINS: Discoloration that results from the beverages you drink (coffee, tea, cola, red wine) and the foods you eat (dark berries, soy sauce) can be eliminated.

SMOKING: The yellow or brown stains caused by the nicotine, tar and other chemicals found in cigarettes can be minimized with regular cleanings and bleaching, but more severe stains may require a longer course of whitening with trays at home.

0 What Some Would Call Diabesity I Call Diapression

Its a blue Sunday today; a Sunday marked with gray Fall skies, transitioning into Winter blues. The trees are mostly, leafless, and its long past the time when you could get away with taking an afternoon stroll outside with just a light sweater.  Looking out into the landscape, its hard to image all this pervasively barren world will come right back to life next Spring.

Such can be the seasons of Diabetes.

There are moments when one feels invincible, unstoppable... committed more than anything in the world, and running full steam ahead.  And then there are the not so honest moments; the moments when one speaks to others, gently keeping behind the curtains the deep feelings of struggle bubbling within.

Depression, and other mental health concerns, are probably the most ignored symptoms of Diabetes.  Though, quite honestly, it is hard to call Depression a symptom when studies have shown that if you are predisposed to Diabetes, it really doesnt matter which one came first: if you had Depression first, it may very well lead to Diabetes; and if you had Diabetes first, it may very well lead to Depression (

Adding to the clinical predisposition for Depression is the heavy guilt burden being heaped upon patients by outsiders, and by what I would call an "Uneducated Doctor Epidemic", compounded with the "Lazy Researcher Virus," and exacerbated by the "Ratings Addicted Media Tsunami."


What comes of all of this is a perfect storm of judgement and derision toward people with Diabetes (indiscriminate of the type.) Not that the type should even matter; NO ONE gave themselves diabetes.  No one wants this disease.  But its easier to mock overweight people; its easier to blame them for disease, and economic burdens. Why else would they come up with such a thoughtless, hurtful, and insensitive term as "Diabesity?" Because its much easier than having to self examine the health itself of our country...  Who wants to look at pollution, pesticides, HFCS, BPAs, FDA guidelines, Big Pharma medicine side effects, and COI within health guideline organizations, when there are fat people we can accuse of giving themselves a disease.  (Never mind that 33.3% of Americans are obese, but only 8.8% of Americans are diabetic, and that includes all types.) This leaves most diabetics, frazzled (to say the least), most of the time.

Now, Depression in itself, is a poorly understood, and stigma filled illness. Ive had Depression since I was, at least, 12 years old and I cant tell you the number of times people have advised me to just look on the sunny side of life, to accept Jesus, or to just shut up and deal with it. Many people really cant tell the difference between the occasional bout of sadness, and clinical Depression... and just like with Diabetes, few medical professionals are equipped with the tender understanding required to help a patient overcome and manage Depression, or monitor a diabetic patient for symptoms of Depression. Whats worse, many people think Depression is a made up, modern era disease, in which people just lack will power... the same lack of will power that led them to be overweight (or eat poor food), and give themselves Diabetes. (Even if these statements are far, far from the truth.)

Even without clinical Depression, Diabetes, in itself, can be depressing for many reasons...

  • Its just a frightening disease, with many complications and dangers -- some immediate, and some compounded over time. 
  • We have to work HARD to be healthy, without any apparent reward. Most people I know struggle, as it is, when the rewards are very evident (like weight loss, or muscle building, or training for some sporting event)... When people have to work hard at something, every day, so they can avoid unknown, random complications they CANT SEE happening to their bodies, or wont know about for many years to come... its like trying to hit a piñata in a pitch black room, with a 6 inch ruler. There arent many immediately gratifying rewards in this game... And if you do ever get that piñata, you still have to mind that candy. 
  • Some folks work incredibly hard, and they STILL develop complications. Sometimes our genetics are the damning factor in whether or not we develop a bad complication, and this is apparent in folks who arent even diabetic, and develop many of the complications some diabetics might get, like neuropathy. 
  • Folks who develop complications, often go their medical professionals only to be treated with judgement, and contempt -- told they werent compliant, and did this to themselves. Type 2 Diabetic patients often get little support from the medical community, are given little to no education, and little to NO tools (such as test strips to monitor their numbers), and then expected to have tight control. 
  • Family and friends are often NOT understanding, and judge from the outside, looking in: they may think life changes should be easy enough (because theyre not rocket science, right? -- except, they CAN be lol) and shouldnt burden the patient... yet I cant tell you the number of diabetics (particularly women with diabetes) who end up making two sets of meals, three times a day, because the rest of their family doesnt want to change their eating habits, as well. Diabetics NEED a supportive environment, and supportive families, and CHANGE AS A WHOLE, in order to thrive. 
  • It just gets old.  Get up, test your blood sugar, take pills... wait... wait... wait... test, take pills, count carbs, eat, test... exercise, test... test, take pills, count carbs, eat, test, exercise, test... test, take pills, count carbs, eat, test, exercise, test... test... take pills, count carbs, eat, test... Can you keep track of it? Can you do this every day, for the rest of your life? For once Id like to SLEEP IN, or eat without thinking so much! Can you schedule bathroom breaks in between, for the side effects? Can you schedule exercise breaks, in between work, when youre not at home? Can you plan snacks to stuff in your pockets so you wont go low at work? Remember to pack your lunches, every day, for work, and always get up early enough to eat breakfast, and always pack your own meals and drinks when you go to get-togethers because no one bothers to think of diabetics or those with health needs? Can you remember to schedule all the doctor appointments for your routine care? The eye doctor, the foot doctor, the A1C, the yearly physical, the CDE? Can you remember to have enough strips and snacks when you go outdoors? CHANGE YOUR LANCET. Can you still spare an extra 20 minutes to talk to the idiot who just said you shouldnt eat that candy in your pocket for your lows, or it will give you Diabetes? Are you tired, and annoyed yet? Because let me tell you, its not fun to be the fat gal at work, with candy in her pocket, because her Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome gives her hypoglycemia, and she unloads trucks for a living, but she has Diabetes... So everyone else needs to have a say in that. And oh, yes, all throughout your day... remember to drink enough water. :) Lots of water. heh Or youll go high from dehydration.  FUN.

I dont really think we realize just what were doing to persons with Diabetes.  We worry so much about about an obesity epidemic, but instead were creating a Depression epidemic in more ways than one. We are creating an epidemic of people who want to die, in silence, from shame, rather than talk about their Diabetes, or openly care for it.  An epidemic of bullied children, and young Diabetic girls with eating disorders. If we have enough courage to not judge someone who just got infected with the HIV virus, whether it was their fault or not, why would we not have enough courage to not judge someone who just got diagnosed with Diabetes? Diabetes kills more people than Aids and Breast Cancer COMBINED.

Diabetic patients need well rounded, overall care, and mental health services to help cope with this chronic, life long condition. Diabetics need support; not judgement.

If you are depressed today, friend... Understand that Winter doesnt last forever.  Just like your trees, plants, shrubs, and lawn, may require some tender, Winter loving care... So do you.  Be KIND to yourself. It is OKAY to feel the way you do.  I feel it, too.  

It seems like the end of the world out there, in your heart and mind, but it is not.  I GET IT.  You want the roller coaster to stop...  If you are struggling today, with Depression, hiding behind society fabricated shame is not the answer; please, open up. Talk to your doctor, or find a new doctor.  Find a Diabetes support group in your area, or online... Leave unsupportive environments, and judgmental people (even if they themselves have Diabetes.) Do NOT go down into that Wintery scene...   You can do this, and Im no different than you... Spring is just around the corner. Let yourself bloom. 

Monday, April 28, 2014

0 Important Aspects To Be Considered While Purchasing a Glucose Meter

All diabetic patients, whether suffering from type 1 or type 2 diabetes must regularly and constantly monitor their blood sugar levels in order to remain in a good state of health. Almost all diabetic patient realize the importance of testing their sugar levels in the blood but a majority of them are often confused as to which glucose meter is the best suitable for them.

When a person is first diagnose d with diabetes he rushes to the nearest chemists and purchase all his medication along with a Glucose Blood Meter kit. This purchase is made without considering the effectiveness of the meter kit.

Whenever a person purchases a diabetes Glucose Meter kit he must consider certain important aspects to ensure the effectiveness of the device.

While purchasing a Glucometer make sure to purchase the one that is dependable. It is not at all necessary that the most expensive meter is always the best. Besides choosing the one that suits your budget you must also make sure that it has maximum features that are suitable to your requirements. A glucose monitor kit that maintains a good balance between its cost and features should be considered the best.

When purchasing testing strips for the meter make sure that they are compatible with the measuring device. Some models are compatible with cheaper strips as compared to other models.

Nowadays you can purchase meters that are available with a memory that can store the results taken. But it is beneficial to maintain a written logbook so that you can show the results to your doctor and accordingly gather useful advice for further treatment.

Every time you use lancing device and lancets along with the glucometer make sure to use a fresh lancet to ensure less pain and hygiene as well as accurate results.

0 Chettinad Pakoda Kuzhambu

Most of my followers will know definitely about the famous South Vs North Challenge group, created by  Divya Pramil of You Too Can Cook.  The motto of this event is to exchange an Indian recipe between two teams. One team is Southern team (food bloggers born and brought in South India) and the another one team is Northern team (food bloggers born and brought in North India).Every first of a month, a blogger from each team will challenge a recipe from their origin and the opposite team have to cook the recipe challenged by the other team. Am very much happy to say that i got an immense opportunity to challenge the opposite Northern team for this month on behalf of Southern team. I have to say a big thanks to Divya for giving me this opportunity to share one of my grandmas signature dish, the famous chettinad pakoda kuzhambu for challenging my opposite team aka north team.

Chettinad cuisine doesnt need any introduction and this cuisine is quite famous for their authentic dishes. Been born and brought up in South India, i was pampered by chettinad style dishes and this cuisine is very much close to my heart. Coming to this pakoda kuzhambu, my paternal grandma is an expert in cooking and she makes excellent chettinad pakoda kuzhambu. When Divya asked me to be the host for this months challenge, i immediately chosed Chettinad pakoda kuzhambu to challenge the opposite Northern team. This dish is quite easy when compared to other authentic chettinad dishes, apart from soaking dals the cooking time and cooking process goes for an easy breezy preparation.This fingerlicking pakoda kuzhambu makes a perfect pair with rice, you can serve this kuzhambu along with South Indian breakfast dishes like idlis or dosas.

 For Pakodas:
1/2cup Channadal/Kadala paruppu
3nos Dry red chillies
1tsp Fennel seeds
Oil for frying

Soak the channdal for two hours.

Take the soaked dals,dry red chillies,fennel seeds,salt together and grind as bit coarse paste with bit water.

Heat oil for frying, once the oil is hot.

Take a golf sized ball of grounded mixture and pinch gently a small quantity of this mixture as shapeless pakodas and drop into the hot oil and fry.

Fry the pakodas until they turns golden brown.

Drain the excess of oil with a paper towel and keep aside.

For Gravy:
2nos Onions (chopped finely)
2nos Tomatoes (chopped finely)
6nos Garlic pods (chopped)
2nos Green chillies (slit opened
1tbsp Coriander powder
1tsp Red chilly powder
Coriander leaves (chopped)

For seasoning:
1inch Cinnamon stick
2nos Cloves
2nos Green cardamoms
2nos Bay leaves
1tsp Fennel seeds
Few curry leaves

To grind:
1tsp Poppy seeds
4tbsp Grated coconut
6nos Cashew nuts
1tbsp Roasted channadal/Dalia/Pottukadalai

Grind all the ingredients given under the list to grind as fine paste with enough water.

Heat enough oil in a kadai, add the spices given under for seasoning and fry until they turns brown.

Add the chopped onions, chopped tomatoes,chopped garlic,slit opened green chillies and saute until the veggies gets well cooked.

Now add the grounded paste to the cooking veggies,cook  in simmer for 2 minutes in simmer.

Add 5cups of water, red chilly powder, turmeric powder and salt, give a stir and cook in medium flame.

Close the kadai, cook for 5 more minutes, keep the gravy watery.

Add the water if needed, once you add pakodas, they tends to absorb the gravy and finally no gravy will be left once the pakodas gets well cooked in gravy.

So keep the gravy enough watery.

Once the oil gets separates slightly from the gravy, add the pakodas immediately to the gravy.

Dont stir the gravy after adding the pakodas, bring boil the gravy once and switch off the stove.

Finally add the chopped coriander leaves to the gravy, give a stir.

Serve hot with rice and papads.


Sunday, April 27, 2014

0 Potential benefits of adherence to the Mediterranean diet on cognitive health

The purpose of this review was to update available knowledge on the relationship between adherence to the Mediterranean diet (MeDi) and cognitive decline, risk of dementia or Alzheimers Disease (AD), and to analyse the reasons for some inconsistent results across studies. The traditional MeDi has been recognised by the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. This dietary pattern is characterised by a high consumption of plant foods (i.e. vegetables, fruits, legumes and cereals), a high intake of olive oil as the main source of fat, a moderate intake of fish, low-to-moderate intake of dairy products and low consumption of meat and poultry, with wine consumed in low-to-moderate amounts during meals. Beyond the well-known association between higher adherence to the MeDi and lower risk of mortality, in particular from CVD and cancer, new data from large epidemiological studies suggest a relationship between MeDi adherence and cognitive decline or risk of dementia. However, some inconsistent results have been found as well, even in Mediterranean countries.

This review analyzes the reasons likely to explain these discrepancies, and proposes that most of these differences are due to variations in the methodology used to assess MeDi adherence. Adherents to the MeDi also have a healthier lifestyle in general, which can favourably affect cognition,

Proceedings of The Nutrition Society 2012 Dec 11:1-13

0 B Vitamin Supplements May Advance Kidney Decline In People With Diabetes

About 40% of people with diabetes will develop kidney disease (diabetic nephropathy); 44% of cases of renal failure are linked to diabetes.

B vitamins lower blood homocysteine levels, high levels of which are thought to raise the risk for diabetic nephropathy.

Can taking B vitamins lower the risk of kidney disease among diabetics? Researchers from Canada set out to answer that question:

Effect Of B-Vitamin Therapy On Progression Of Diabetic Nephropathy, Journal of the American medical Association, April 2010

They reported that people with diabetes and nephropathy who took supplemental vitamin B had a greater decline in kidney function than those taking placebo. Supplementers also had a higher rate of heart attack and stroke.

Patients took a tablet containing placebo or:
  • Folic acid (2.5 mg/d)
  • Vitamin B6 (25 mg/d)
  • Vitamin B12 (1 mg/d)
The RDA for those vitamins:
  • Folic acid (400 mcg/d = 0.4 mg/d)
  • Vitamin B6 (1.3 to 1.7 mg/d)
  • Vitamin B12 (2 to 3 mcg/d = .002 to .003 mg/d)
Note the high doses in the supplement.

Not only was the folic acid/B6/B12 blend not helpful, it likely did harm.

Science Daily has a good summary:
High Doses of B Vitamins Associated With Increased Decline in Kidney Function for Patients With Kidney Disease from Diabetes

Saturday, April 26, 2014

0 The content of caffeine in drugs increase the risk of stroke

The content of caffeine in drugs increase the risk of stroke - Quite often we find that the caffeine in the composition of common drugs are sold freely on the market or pharmacy. From now on, you should be wary if the caffeine found in drugs consumed. Because a study in Korea found evidence that the caffeine content in the medicine can increase the risk of stroke by two or three times.

The results of this study contradict previous research which states that coffee and tea can strengthen protective effect on the heart. However, the authors also explain that the two studies appear contradictory this may have common ground. People who consume less coffee or tea are known to be affected by drugs that contain caffeine.

Whats more, researchers found that caffeine could be contained in a variety of drugs, ranging from ordinary painkillers, or cold medicines are sold in general and widely consumed by the public, as reported by the NY Daily News.

"Caffeine has properties that cause the blood vessels to tighten and increase the pressure on the blood flow," said lead researcher Nam-Kyong Choi from Seoul national University College of Medicine.

These results were found after researchers observed 940 adult patients who had a stroke. They compared the drugs consumed, and found that people in medicine containing caffeine are more likely two to three times the stroke.

However, when compared with the coffee drinking habits, researchers found that participants who had a habit of drinking coffee every day and taking medications that contain caffeine does not seem to have a pretty big risk.

The discovery was actually quite strange because coffee and tea contain more caffeine than are contained in medicines. Even so Choi assume that coffee or tea may contain substances that are useful and reduce the effects of caffeine in it. Although the finding that caffeine can increase the risk of stroke, but Choi still do not know the mechanism.

0 The present generation Eat less the more body fat

The present generation: Eat less, the more body fat - Recent research unload quite astonishing phenomenon. According to investigators, the present generation mostly ate 600 fewer calories than 30 years ago. But the 15 kg weight tend to be fat.

Researchers also suspect snacks, sweets, and fast food be the cause of the phenomenon. Due to unhealthy eating patterns, the number of cases of obesity also increased dramatically.

In addition to food, an active lifestyle is not moving as well be one of the triggers of the present generation of obesity, according to researchers from the Institute of Fiscal Studies.

While at home, todays generation is trying to eat healthy foods. But when it is outside the home, food and beverage consumption of unhealthy very difficult to control.

"In addition to fat, sugar is the culprit of weight gain. Coupled with the lack of activity," says Professor Rachel Griffiths, as quoted by the Daily Mail.

Although the study focused on UK residents only, but the discovery that at least can be used as a guide for anyone. In essence, diet and lifestyle is the main cause that lead to obesity and other dangerous diseases.

The results are then reported in the journal The Grocer.

Friday, April 25, 2014

0 Active Compounds in Green Tea and Red Wine Halt Alzheimer’s Disease Progression

Alzheimer’s disease is characterized by an unnatural accumulation of amyloid plaque aggregates around nerve synapses that block the transmission of electrical and chemical transmitters that allow the brain to retain a high level of cognitive function and to store and retain memories. Millions of middle aged and older Americans suffer from some stage of Alzheimer’s disease, as the illness continues to escalate at an epidemic rate. It is projected that the prevalence will nearly quadruple in the next 50 years, by which time approximately 1 in 45 Americans will be afflicted with the disease.

Green Tea and Red Wine Extracts Impede Amyloid Formation to Prevent Alzheimer’s Development
The past decade has uncovered a small handful of natural, bioactive compounds that easily cross the blood-brain barrier where they have been found to alter the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. Researchers from the University of Leeds in the UK have determined that natural chemicals found in green tea and red wine may disrupt a key step of the Alzheimers disease pathway. Publishing in the Journal of Biological Chemistry, scientists have identified the process which allows harmful clumps of protein to latch on to brain cells, causing them to die.

Scientists understand that amyloid proteins in the brain clump together to form toxic, sticky balls of varying shapes. These amyloid balls latch on to the surface of nerve cells in the brain by attaching to proteins on the cell surface called prions, ultimately causing nerve cells to malfunction and die. Study co-author Dr. Jo Rushworth commented "We wanted to investigate whether the precise shape of the amyloid balls is essential for them to attach to the prion receptors, like the way a baseball fits snugly into its glove.”

Supplement Daily with EGCG and Resveratrol to Slow Disease Progression
The team wanted to determine if it was possible to prevent the amyloid balls from binding to prions by manipulating their shape and stop the cells from dying. Scientists formed amyloid balls in a test tube and then added them to human and animal brain cells. Study authors concluded "When we added the extracts from red wine and green tea, which recent research has shown to re-shape amyloid proteins, the amyloid balls no longer harmed the nerve cells.”

Researchers determined that the bioactive compounds in green tea and red wine (EGCG and resveratrol) distorted the shape of the amyloid balls, preventing them from binding with prions and disrupting cellular function. Complimentary studies have also determined that curcumin, the active compound in the curry spice turmeric, crossed the delicate blood-brain barrier to halt the advancement of dementia. Health-minded individuals should consume green tea and red wine or take standardized supplements regularly to help prevent the initial development and progression of Alzheimer’s disease.

0 Home Remedies for Body Odor

Home remedies for Body Odor

It is embarrassing to realize that in a bus people near you are shrinking their nose and it takes a lot to accept that yes i am stinking, but do not worry you can save yourself the embarrassment by using these easy home remedies for body odor!!

What is Body Odor 

Body odor is an unpleasant smell that comes out from an individuals body. The causes for body odor vary from person to person and depends on various factors like gender, medication, fungal infections, genetics etc.
perspiration is part of cooling process of the body but sweat does not have any bad smell of its own, it actually reacts with the bacteria accumulated on the skin and releases an unpleasant odor.

Simple Home remedies for Body Odor.

  • Take apple cider vinegar in a cotton ball and dab it on the armpit. This helps to reduce body odor effectively.
  • Use of antibacterial soap and deodorant soap while bathing works good if the body odor is due to excessive sweating.
  • Powder the undeararms with baking soda. Mix baking soda in warm water and soak the feet to eliminate foot odor naturally.
  • Add half cup of tomato juice in bath water and soak yourself for 15 mins in it before bathing, this will help to cure body odor naturally.
  • Adding some drops of rose water to the bath water is one simple and effective home remedy for body odor.
  • Dry well the underarm and groin area after shower or bath.
  • Use baby powder for underarms instead of chemical based deodorants to keep the perspiration area dry.
  • Another good home remedy for body odor is Tea-tree and Rosemary, both these anti bacterial herbs  can be mixed with essential oil and water and applied where needed.
  • Wear clean and washed clothes everyday even if you feel it is smelling ok.
  • Poor hygine give germs and bacteria chance to grow in you skin thus maintaining good hygiene is a must to do to get rid of bod odor.
  • Consumption of alcohol and smoking also adds to the body odor problem.
  • Magnesium hydroxide aka Milk of Magnesia is a wonderful home remedy for body odor. Milk of Magnesia acts as a natural deodorant and removes body odor, once applied after shower it lasts for the entire day.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

0 What are the benefits of eating orange

Orange strengthens your emotional body, encouraging a general feeling of joy, well-being, and cheerfulness. They are popular with athletes because they can be easily eaten for a burst of energy. Delicious and juicy orange fruit contains an impressive list of essential nutrients, vitamins, minerals for normal growth and development and overall health and well-being.

Eating oranges provides many benefits. They are rich in Vitamins C and A, flavonoids, antioxidants, calcium, magnesium, potassium, dietary fiber etc. Oranges have more than 60 flavonoids and 170 phytonutrients that have been shown to have anti-inflammatory, anti-tumour and anti-oxidant properties.
It is no wonder that they are one of the most popular fruits in the world. Oranges are generally available from winter through summer with seasonal variations depending on the variety.Botanically, orange is the citrus fruit belonging to the family of Rutaceae of the genus; Citrus and scientifically known as "Citrus sinensis." 

An orange is a real powerhouse of phytochemicals which may help to prevent age related illness. Phytochemicals are plant chemicals that appear to offer no nutritional benefit for the body, but combine together to give protection to cells. This is already seen in plants and scientists believe that the same effect occurs in human cells. Oranges can be had not only as a snack but also as a major recipe ingredient in various dishes.

Here are some of the health benefits for oranges.

1) Natural source of Vitamin C

Oranges, like other citrus fruits, is an excellent source of vitamin C (provides 53.2 mg per 100 g, about 90% of DRI); Vitamin C is a powerful natural antioxidant. Consumption of foods rich in vitamin C helps the body develop resistance against infectious agents and scavenge harmful, pro-inflammatory free radicals from the blood.

2) Appetite booster
Studies have shown that the pectin present in oranges can help to suppress appetite for up to four hours after eating. This means that oranges are an excellent food for dieters.

3) Anti aging
Oranges help to activate the bodys own detoxification process and even the skin and zest of this fruit contain anti-oxidants which help to transport oxygen around the body and protect the skin from free radicals which cause signs of aging. In other words, eating oranges can help to keep the wrinkles away.

4) High in fiber
Oranges are an excellent source of dietary fiber and can be added to salads. Slices of orange can really liven up a boring salad, especially if you are watching your weight.

5) Lowers cholestrol
Oranges are full of soluble fiber, which is especially beneficial for lowering cholesterol levels. Soluble fiber attracts water in your gut, forming a slow-moving gel. As this gel substance travels through your intestinal tract, it picks up some of the excess cholesterol compounds and pushes them out through fecal waste. Your cholesterol levels will go down over time, decreasing your risk of suffering from heart disease.

6) Helps prevent cancer
Vitamin C is the primary water-soluble antioxidant in the body, disarming free radicals and preventing damage in the aqueous environment both inside and outside cells. Inside cells, a potential result of free radical damage to DNA is cancer. Especially in areas of the body where cellular turnover is especially rapid, such as the digestive system, preventing DNA mutations translates into preventing cancer. This is why a good intake of vitamin C is associated with a reduced risk of colon cancer. It also helps to fight skin, lung, breast and liver cancer.

7)Prevents Kidney Diseases
The regular intake of orange juice prevents kidney diseases. It also reduces the risk of forming calcium oxalate stones in the kidney. But take the juice in moderate amounts. Otherwise it can cause the decay of bones and teeth.

8) Boosts Heart Health
Oranges are full of potassium, an electrolyte mineral is responsible for helping the heart function well. When potassium levels get too low, you may develop an abnormal heart rhythm, known as an arrhythmia. 
Oranges are a good source of vitamin B folate which helps to support the production of haemoglobin and also help keep blood pressure under check due to the presence of magnesium, thus protects the heart.

According to a study in Finland, women who ate oranges regularly had 50% less risk of heart disease compared to those who didnt eat them regularly. This is thought to be because the flavanoids in this fruit are helping to protect the cells. One orange provides more than 7% of the daily requirement of potassium which is needed to keep the fluid levels within the body in proper balance.

9) Promotes good vision
Oranges are rich in vitamin A, which includes a group of compounds that protect your eyes. Carotenoid compounds of vitamin A, like lutein, beta carotene and zeaxanthin, can help prevent age-related macular degeneration, a condition that leads to blindness.

10) Fights Against Viral Infections
Studies show that the abundance of polyphenols in oranges protects against viral infections.

11) Relieves Constipation
Oranges are full of dietary fiber which stimulates digestive juices and relieves constipation.

12) Promotes bone health
Oranges are also good for your teeth and bone. They are rich in calcium. The high level of calcium in oranges helps to keep the bones and teeth strong.

13) Good for mens
Orange is also good for men because it helps keep their sperm healthy. According to studies, there is a compound in orange called folate. Folate is said to contain nutrients good for the health of a sperm. Folate besides keeping the sperm healthy also protects it from genetic damage.

14) Provides Smart Carbs
Oranges like all fruits have simple sugars in them, but the orange has a glycemic index of 40. Anything under 55 is considered low. This means as long as you don’t eat a lot of oranges at one time, they won’t spike your blood sugar and cause problems with insulin or weight gain.

Oranges are highly beneficial for your body. A medium, 2 1/2-inch orange offers lots of vitamins, minerals and fiber, all for a measly 60 calories. While orange juice is also full of nutrients, youll miss out on fiber, so it is better to consume the whole fruit. Oranges are easy to tote around, since the thick skin protects them from bruising. Toss one in your bag for a quick mid-morning snack, add orange wedges to a grilled chicken salad or find other ways to add more oranges to your diet

0 Diabetes Prevention Tips

Diabetes is a metabolic disorder which threatens most organs in the body. Excessive blood sugar levels cause disruption and damage to the inner lining of the vessels, resulting in loss of eyesight, kidney failure and cardiovascular disease.  Type 2 diabetes is a disease caused by poor diet and lifestyle.  Many people are unaware that diabetes does not necessarily need to lead to a life of declining health, and can be effectively prevented when lifestyle modifications are followed at an early age, and treated through an ultra low carbohydrate diet.

Check Post Meal Blood Sugar
Blood sugar levels after eating, know as postprandial, are the most indicative of the metabolic disorder which leads to diabetes.  Many medical professionals rely on fasting blood sugar readings to diagnose the disease, but after meal testing is the most effective method to test for diabetes.  This is because the surge in blood sugar after a meal is the most damaging to the body.  Aim to keep 1 hour readings below 140 mg/dl and 2 hour levels below 120 mg/dl.  Higher readings mean cellular damage and health decline as we age.

It will be necessary to cut most wheat, corn and oat based foods from the diet, as these are rapidly converted to glucose and immediately raise blood sugar to unacceptable levels.  Elimination of all fast, processed and convenience foods and sweets is essential.  The best diet includes raw vegetables, nuts, seeds, lean proteins and healthy fats.  Avoid fruit, as the sugars in many varieties will cause sugar levels to skyrocket.

Key Supplements Provide Help
Natural supplements have a modest effect on helping most people to keep blood sugar levels in the normal range. Cinnamon and vinegar when consumed along with a healthy meal have been shown to help regulate blood glucose.  Additionally Alpha lipoic acid, CoQ10 and the minerals chromium, zinc and magnesium are essential in assisting blood glucose to naturally enter the cells for energy.  Supplements will not reduce blood sugar to normal readings without strict dietary changes, and it is necessary to monitor using a blood glucose meter to track the effect of natural foods and nutraceuticals along with a low carbohydrate diet.

Diabetes can be controlled using a sensible approach to diet, including a high proportion of calories from raw vegetables, nuts, seeds and lean protein sources.  Prevention is the key to averting the many complications which are a part of the disease.  Simple dietary changes when young allow the cellular machinery to function optimally, and make more dramatic changes later in life unnecessary.  Once diagnosed, diabetes can still be treated through ultra low carbohydrate dietary modification which has been shown to slow and even reverse much of the damaging effects of this disease.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

0 Cheap Healthy Salad Dressing 102 Light Recipes

Ah, Spring - the birds are singing, the trees are budding, the construction next door has resumed, the writers’ strike is over, and last but not least, salad season is finally upon us. So gather ‘round, my leafy green-lovin’ compatriots, and let’s talk dressing.
Much like marinades and mixes, making your own salad dressing is a frugal, delicious, and preservative-free exercise. The problem, alas, is the fat content, as homemade toppings generally contain a small tureen of olive oil. While the heart-healthy liquid can have enormous health benefits in moderation, let’s face it – sometimes you just want (need?) to pile the stuff on.

Subsequently, as a naked salad is a dinnertime tragedy, listed below are 102 recipes for lightened dressings of all colors, shapes, consistencies, and flavors. They come from a variety of sources, including Eating Well and Cooking Light, both of which have dozens more deep within their recipe pages. And for those of you wishing to branch out? is another excellent resource, and includes a long inventory of options that havent been added here. If anyone out there knows of other neato sites, please share! (The comment section is waiting for your call.)

Oh yeah - one more thing: many of the dressings have good-to-excellent ratings on their home sites, but I haven’t tried a single one myself. Thus, this a strictly try-at-your-own-risk adventure. (A saladventure?) Like an Indiana Jones movie, only with lettuce.

Now, go forth and eat salad!

Asian-inspired Dressings

Cooking Light: Ginger-Sesame Vinaigrette
Epicurious: Spicy Vietnamese Dressing
Mayo Clinic: Ginger-Miso Dressing
Recipe Zaar: Asian Ginger Dressing

Balsamic Vinaigrette Dressings
Cooking Light: Balsamic Vinaigrette
Maple Balsamic Vinaigrette
Serious Eats: Light Balsamic Vinaigrette

Blue Cheese Dressings
All Recipes/Taste of Home: Low-Fat Blue Cheese Dressing
Cooking Light: Blue Cheese Salad Dressing
Cooking Light: Blue Cheese-Buttermilk Dressing
Eating Well: Creamy Blue Cheese Dressing
Epicurious: Blue Cheese Dressing

Buttermilk Dressings
Epicurious: Buttermilk Dressing
Mayo Clinic: Buttermilk Dressing
Recipe Zaar: Cayenne Buttermilk Dressing

Caesar Dressings
Alton Brown: No Guilt Caesar Dressing
Cooking Light: Caesar Dressing
Cooking Light: Creamy Caesar Dressing
Eating Well: Caesar Salad Dressing

Curry Dressings
All Recipes/USA Weekend: Non-Fat Curry Dressing
Epicurious: Curry Dressing
King County: Curry Dressing

French Dressings
CD Kitchen: Low-Calorie French Dressing
Eating Well: French Dressing
Recipe Zaar: Makeover Creamy French Dressing

Fruit-based Dressings
All Recipes: Orange Vinaigrette
All Recipes: Raspberry Vinaigrette
Cooking Light: Citrus Vinaigrette
Cooking Light: Cranberry Vinaigrette
Cooking Light: Vanilla-Pear Vinaigrette
Dottie’s Weight Loss Zone: Ginger Orange Dressing
Dottie’s Weight Loss Zone: Raspberry Vinegar Dressing
Dottie’s Weight Loss Zone: Garlic-Lemon Dressing
Eating Well: Moroccan-Spiced Lemon Dressing
Eating Well: Orange-Oregano Dressing
Eating Well: Orange-Sesame Dressing
Ellie Krieger: Apple Cider Dressing
Epicurious: Creamy Lemon Dressing
Epicurious: Creamy Mango Dressing
Epicurious: Grapefruit-Ginger Dressing
Epicurious: Tangerine Dressing
Recipe Zaar: Honey Lime Dressing
Recipe Zaar: Lemon, Orange, and Dill Salad Dressing
Recipe Zaar: Lemon Yogurt Vinaigrette
Recipe Zaar: Orange Honey Vinaigrette
Recipe Zaar: Strawberry Vinaigrette

Green Goddess Dressings
Cooking Light: Green Goddess Dressing
Epicurious: Green Goddess Dressing
Recipe Zaar: Green Goddess Salad Dressing

Herb-based Dressings
Dottie’s Weight Loss Zone: Basil Vinaigrette
Dottie’s Weight Loss Zone: Creamy Herb Dressing
Eating Well: Creamy Tarragon Dressing
Epicurious: Creamy Basil Dressing
Epicurious: Mint Dressing
Recipe Zaar: Dijon Herb Dressing

Honey Mustard & Mustard Dressings
All Recipes: Mustard Salad Dressing
Alton Brown: Honey Mustard Dressing
Cooking Light: Creole Honey Mustard Dressing
Cooking Light: Dijon Vinaigrette
Cooking Light: Honeyed Lemon-Dijon Vinaigrette
Dottie’s Weight Loss Zone: Honey-Mustard Dressing
Epicurious: Honey-Mustard Dressing
Kathleen Daeleman: Mustard Vinaigrette
Recipe Zaar: Creamy Mustard Dressing

Italian Dressings
All Recipes: Italian Dressing Mix
Juan Carlos Cruz: Creamy Italian Dressing
Recipe Zaar: Creamy Italian Dressing
Recipe Zaar: Italian Dressing

Poppy Seed Dressings
Cooks Recipes: Honey Poppy Seed Dressing
Dottie’s Weight Loss Zone: Poppy Seed Dressing
Recipe Zaar: Lowfat Poppyseed Dressing

Russian Dressings
Eating Well: Russian Dressing
Geocities: Russian Dressing – Low-Fat
Geocities: Russian Dressing Lo-Cal

Ranch Dressings
All Recipe/Taste of Home: Low-Fat Ranch Dressing
Cooking Light: Ranch Dressing
Eating Well: Buttermilk Ranch Dressing
Eating Well: Creamy Dill Ranch Dressing
Ellie Krieger: Ranch Dressing
Epicurious: Low-Fat Herbed Ranch Dressing
Recipe Zaar: Creamy Ranch Dressing
Recipe Zaar: Healthy Homemade Ranch Dressing
Recipe Zaar: Ranch Dressing

Thousand Island Dressings
Cooking Light: Thousand Island Dressing
Epicurious: Low-Fat Thousand Island Dressing
Recipe Zaar: Extreme Low-Fat Thousand Island Dressing
Sara Moulton: Low Fat Thousand Island Dressing

Vegetable-based Dressings
Cooking Light: Roasted Shallot Vinaigrette
Cooking Light: Sun-Dried Tomato Vinaigrette
Dottie’s Weight Loss Zone: Creamy Garlic and Chive Dressing
Dottie’s Weight Loss Zone: Fresh Tomato Vinaigrette
Epicurious: Creamy Chive Dressing
Recipe Zaar: Creamy Cucumber Dressing
Recipe Zaar: Onion Garlic Low Cal Salad Dressing

Other Dressings
Cooking Light: Honey Vinaigrette
Dottie’s Weight Loss Zone: Basic Vinaigrette
Eating Well: Creamy Feta Dressing
Eating Well: Warm Maple Dressing
Ellie Krieger: Greek Dressing
Epicurious: Tamarind Dressing
Epicurious: Tasty Diet Dressing
Recipe Zaar: Golden Middle-East Dressing

(Photos courtesy of DNROnline.)

0 Does Worksite Wellness Work A Critical Look at the Wellness Incentives In the Workplace Article

A waste of money and
a basis for discrimination?
The answer to the "Does Worksite Wellness Work?" question depends on your frame of erence.

If you read this 2010 review by Baicker, Cutler and Song, youll see that there are 32 peer-reviewed published studies from work settings that a) transparently described the intervention and b) used a valid parallel control group - persons who did not receive the intervention - as a comparison. When interventions like these were deployed, impressive reductions in medical costs and absenteeism like these were achieved in the intervention groups, compared to the groups that did not receive the wellness programs.

If you read this just-published 2013 review by Jill Horwitz, Brenna Kelly and John DiNardo, youll see that its possible to use a "conceptual framework" to completely trash the notion that worksite wellness programs offer any benefit.  Oh, and by the way, they also result in discrimination.

How is that you ask?

This framework asks:

1) Do employees with chronic conditions or health risks spend more?  The authors answer is that most studies for most conditions indicate the answer is yes.

2) Do financial incentives change behavior? The authors answer, based on a review of the literature, is that obese persons tend to gain weight and many persons who quit tobacco relapse.  The impact on high blood pressure and lipids is less certain.

3) Do health improvements lead to employer savings? The authors brief three paragraph answer, based on two erences (here and here), is "uncertain," "depends" and "erroneously assuming."

The authors also

a) point to the abundant literature that questions the relationship between "process" and "intermediate" outcomes (blood glucose testing or control in persons with diabetes mellitus) versus long-term outcomes (like mortality - an example is here),

b) note that aggressive treatment can lead to unintended consequences (an example is here), and

c) suggest that wellness programs disproportionately benefit persons from higher socioeconomic classes who suffer from less disease. Its frankly difficult for the Disease Management Care Blog to follow the authors logic, but as it understands it, anything that benefits one segment of a population is a zero-sum loss for the remaining segment.

The DMCBs two-fold take:

1) The 2010 review examines state-of-the-art clinical trial data, while the 2013 "conceptual framework" interprets the underlying published literature and finds it wanting.  According to the framework authors, the value of any counseling is ultimately unproven.

Big deal. The DMCB would like to point out that a similarly conducted review of primary care (where there are no randomized control clinical trials), Medicare (a social experiment if there ever was one) and parachutes (to combat "gravitational challenges") could also conclude that theres no proof.

Bottom line: Lack of proof for a benefit is not the same as proof that there is a lack of any benefit.  Whats more, the business persons that run worksite wellness programs know that evidence based medicine is necessary, but not sufficient.  They dont demand proof, they use reasonable assurance.  The 58% of large employers that are offering worksite wellness are using seasoned logic in a world of conflicting data.  Good for them.

2) The Homer Simpson-inspired DMCB doesnt quite "get" the frameworks socioeconomic argument.  If persons from lower socioeconomic classes have a higher burden of obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol levels and poor fitness, anything that offers increased access to a higher level of care is not only good policy but a proportionately noble thing.

Whats more, if worksite wellness results in no economic benefit and doesnt shift costs in any direction, how does that result in any discrimination?

While economic incentives in a zero sum game can be problematic, the DMCB believes that Horwitz, Kelly and DiNardos logic is overlawyered worksite nihilism run amok. Their ultimate unspoken conclusion is that when it comes to employees, all should be treated to the same level of neglect.

Image from Wikipedia

Tuesday, April 22, 2014


When your everyday oatmeal breakfast becomes boring, mix it up with these  pancake!  Youll certainly love this savory pancake, packed with the nutrition of a bowl of oat  and semolina

Made with semolina and rolled oat, flavored with chopped onion, cilantro and sliced green/red chili, these pancake are easy to make, scrumptious to eat and a little healthier twist to a standard breakfast recipe.

Yield    :     4 pancakes

1/2 cup semolina
1/2 cup rolled oat
1/4 cup chopped onion
1 tomato chopped
2 red/green  chili finely sliced
1/2 tsp cumin seed
1 cup milk
1/2 cup hot water
1/4 cup chopped cilantro
1/4 tsp hing (optional)

Dry roast semolina for 2-3 minutes, keep aside.

Combine rolled oat and hot water.

In a mixing bowl, place semolina, rolled oat mixture, onion, tomato, hing, cumin, salt and cilantro.

Gradually add the milk to form into pouring consistency batter.  Let sit for 15 minutes.

Grease a heavy bottom pan, pour 1/4 cup of batter, drizzle oil around the pancake, cook for 1-2 minutes.

When it starts to brown, flip over and cook the other side,  repeat with the rest of the batter.

Serve hot with spicy chutney.

0 How to treat migraines at home

Headaches top the list of common complaints in general, and migraines are by far the most painful and debilitating type of headache. Some over-the-counter pain killers work well to stop many types of headache pain but, theyre relatively ineffective when it comes to migraines. Prescription drugs also dont work well for many migraine victims, and most have the potential for causing unwanted side effects. Thats why home remedies for migraine pain relief are some of the most sought after natural cures. 

A migraine is a severe, painful headache that is often preceded or accompanied by sensory warning signs such as flashes of light, blind spots, tingling in the arms and legs, nausea, vomiting, and increased sensitivity to light and sound. The excruciating pain that migraines bring can last for hours or even days. They can cripple you quicker than you can snap your fingers and really knock you off your feet.

What Causes Migraines?

This is that question everyone wants an answer to. Three out of four of the nearly 30 million Americans who suffer from migraines are women.

When you are busy with life, the last thing you want or need is a severe headache. You might be in the middle of a word day or fixing dinner for your family.You dont have time for a migraine. Migraines can be an extremely debilitating and painful problem. About two-thirds of migraine sufferers cannot function at a normal level when they get a migraine attack. An intense migraine attack can floor victims, plaguing them with nausea and vertigo (dizziness) and confining them to bed. Migraine ranks as one of the top 20 most disabling medical conditions worldwide

Lets look at some of the reasons you could get a migraine. Understanding these can help you learn what to avoid. The reason may have to do with a woman’s menstrual cycle, but triggers can also include alcohol, weather changes, stress, food and lack of sleep. Other factor like Strong perfumes, Bright lights, Changes in lifestyle, Exhaustion, Allergies, The Flu and cold, and Alcohol also can raise hell.

How to get rid of migraines?
You can always observe your triggers that probably give you headache. Start listening to your body to see if you have signals to alert you to a coming migraine. I can feel the tension in my neck, hours before my severe headaches comeThe important thing to note is that if you are in a hectic situation, take time to massage your head, drink some calming tea, or take medicine to stop the headaches before they come. This can be the difference between a full-blown migraine and a simple headache that goes as quick as it came.

Take note of your daily lifestyle chores. It can take from a few minutes to  hours for a trigger to cause a reaction. Certain foods and drinks triggers a migraine attack in about 10 percent of migraine sufferers.  If you get a migraine, think back to what you did exactly in that time frame and try eliminating those hell raiser from your life. It is that simple!

Preventive steps 

1) Take deep breaths. 

Every time you feel a migraine coming, begin taking long, slow breaths. The more relaxed you feel, the better your changes for your migraine to go away. As you take deep breaths, allow all the tension to flow out of your body. Try to not think about any one thing.

2) Exercise
Regular, gentle exercise helps to reduce tension and ward off stress, a well-known trigger for many migraine sufferers. Exercise also triggers the release of endorphins, which act as a mild sedative.

3) Get a good nights sleep. 
Changes in sleep patterns, changing work schedules and jet lag can affect the quality of sleep cycles and trigger migraines. Try to maintain a regular sleep schedule. Get up and go to bed at the same time every day if possible.

4) Drink water
Dehydration can be a big cause of headaches, so keep your body hydrated and drink 8-10 glasses of water daily

5) Eat healthy
Eat wisely to get your share of essential nutrients like, magnesium, riboflavin, omega 3s, and QoQ10. You can include almonds, liver, lean beef, eggs, lamb, spinach, broccoli, Pumpkin seeds, whole grains, Swiss chard, wild Alaskan salmon, halibut, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, flaxseeds, amaranth, quinoa, soybeans, and black beans in your diet.

Natural home remedies for migraine and headache

When treating a migraine attack, it is important to obtain relief from the symptoms of the attack, but it is also equally important to look at the underlying causes of your pain in order to prevent future attacks. Here are some simple home remedies to get rid of migraines at home. 

1) Feverfew
The feverfew herb has a long history of use in traditional and folk medicine, especially among Greek and early European herbalists. Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium) is a traditional medicinal herb which is commonly used to prevent migraine headaches, and is also occasionally grown for ornament. The name Feverfew is based on febrifuge, the herbalist term for the action of reducing fever.

The plant contains compounds called parthenolides, which appear to help control expansion and contraction of blood vessels in the head. When you begin to get a migraine, your brain releases the neurotransmitter serotonin, and your blood vessels constrict. 

Feverfew appears to counteract your brains order by causing blood vessels to dilate. Thus, feverfew enhances the "tone" of blood vessels, as does magnesium, which is also considered to be a helpful nutrient for controlling migraine headaches. In addition, feverfew appears to neutralize chemicals called prostaglandins, some of which are linked to pain and inflammation. Because it stops production of inflammatory chemicals.

2) Peppermint
A cross of spearmint and water mint, peppermint grows throughout North America, Europe, and Asia. Peppermint leaves and their essential oils have been used for both medicinal and culinary purposes. In addition to a headache treatment, it has also been employed to relieve spasms, toothaches, gastrointestinal problems, and nausea.

Peppermint oil and its active ingredient, menthol, are available in liquid capsule form. You can also dilute the oils and apply them topically, which is the primary method for migraine treatment. When applied to the forehead and temples in a 10 percent solution, menthol has shown to be effective at stopping migraine pain and easing nausea.

3) willow
Willows all have abundant watery bark sap, which is heavily charged with salicylic acid. Willow extract, salicin, was used in the development of aspirin, the well-known over-the-counter pain reliever, fever reducer, and anti-inflammatory drug.

You can chew its bark or apply willow salicin extract tropically to reduce the pain and duration of migraine.

4) Ginger
Ginger is a source of effective anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial substances. Traditionally, ginger has been used as a spice and as a remedy for headaches, stomach pain, nausea, arthritis, and cold and flu symptoms. A research study of an over-the-counter sub-lingual combination of feverfew and ginger effectively stopped or relieved migraine pain in the majority of participants.

5) Butter bur
Found in wet, marshy areas of Europe, Asia, and North America, it’s been used as treatment for headaches, as well as asthma, allergies, cough, fever, gastrointestinal problems, and general pain. Taking butter bur root extracts in pill form can reduce the frequency of migraines by 60%.

Whether you choose pharmaceutical treatments, natural remedies, or a combination Consider tracking your triggers, symptoms, pain intensity and duration, and other related factors (such as the weather, menstrual cycle, activities, etc.) having a thorough record of your experiences will help you narrow down the best treatment for you.

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