Tuesday, April 29, 2014

0 Reshape Your Smile Dental Tips

DID YOU KNOW: Overbrushing teeth, as an attempt to eliminate
bad breath,
can actually make breath worse because it can
dry out the mouth.

A DARK TOOTH: A lone, dark tooth usually results from trauma
that cuts off
blood supply to the tooth and leads to the
death of the nerve. In these cases,
you need to make sure the
tooth has been treated from a root canal perspective.
bleaching, when the whitening agent is placed inside
the tooth, can be performed.

WHITENING TIP: When using at-home whitening trays created by your dentist, you should start to see results within a week. But you may experience tooth sensitivity during the first few days as well. In this case, a toothpaste designed for sensitive teeth and using the trays every other day can help.

TEA TIME: Scientifically proven to be effective in fighting bad breath, green tea inhibits the production of the bacteria that causes bad breath.

FIND THE SOURCE OF YOUR STAINS: Discoloration that results from the beverages you drink (coffee, tea, cola, red wine) and the foods you eat (dark berries, soy sauce) can be eliminated.

SMOKING: The yellow or brown stains caused by the nicotine, tar and other chemicals found in cigarettes can be minimized with regular cleanings and bleaching, but more severe stains may require a longer course of whitening with trays at home.


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