Monday, July 30, 2012

0 Acne scar treatment

Acne scars

There are many creams and solutions on the market to be able to reduce the appearance and texture of acne scars or claim. The problem is that the scars from acne, specifically for acne in many ways, while most of these attempts scar creams basic creams scar or stretch marks creams, as the treatment of acne scars want to make.

There are many differences between scars and normal scars, but for the purpose of this discussion we want to focus on what is necessary for the treatment and removal of acne scars. Acne scars require you to treat both discoloration and uneven nature of the pitting of the skin. To do this, that a scar cream to the ingredients needed to deliver a strong enough dose to effectively treat both aspects ... Discoloration and texture included.

To make it easier for you, we have the time to break a number of ingredients that have been shown to effectively reduce acne scars removed. We have one step further by integrating them into two groups on the aspect of acne scars, they are taken to heal basis. Here are the details.

REMOVE discoloration or "pinched" appearance

Niacinamide - These natural ingredients has become a discoloration and prevent acne to remove. First noticed by the New York University College of Medicine as the leading topical prescription drug for the treatment of acne. However, it is the anti-inflammatory properties that come into play here in the reduction of redness, bruising and inflammation, usually downwards.

Asafetida Root Extract - This ingredient is focused on the removal of pigmented spots on the skin. No harsh chemical like so many of the "whitening of the skin" treatments on the market with things like kojic acid or hydroquinone (very dangerous articles). This drug clears the skin by removing natural hyperpigmentation. This reduces the visibility of acne scars and completes the treatment of acne in this regard.

Uneven texture or pitting of the skin

Collaxyl - This peptide forces the skin to heal itself. She directs a message to the regeneration of skin cells trigger. The studies are so impressive Collaxyl has proven completely dead skin cells (scientists repeatedly tore the skin on the damage caused by repeated outbreaks simulate) in less than 72 hours to revive. The results were so impressive on dead skin, you can only imagine that the results only partially damaged cells.

Panthenol (pro-vitamin B5) - This ingredient helps in the healing of skin tissue, while further stimulating cell regeneration. Commonly known as the Beautifier vitamin, it helps not only in cellular healing moistened, it calms irritation and what the effective removal of stains.

Wild Rose oil (Rosa Marqueta) - Known in the industry, scar removal, rosehip oil from a rose bud in the mountains of Chile found. His ability to regenerate skin cells and quickly grow new skin, it has been used for years in the healing of scars. Its naturally high in vitamin C content, it is a great source for the health of the skin and soothe the irritated tissue.

Acai Berry Extract - Acai is used in many aspects of nursing and general physical health. This antioxidant is used to increase the speed of healing damaged tissue. With soothing and improving cellular health, which is damaged or scar tissue to heal in a position more quickly.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

0 Lung cancer screening

Checkups are the people for early stages of a disease before they have symptoms. Can be carried out before screening for any type of cancer, physicians must have an accurate and reliable tests to use. The test has a grip on cancer, that it reliably. And it should not produce false positive results. A false positive result means a test that makes it look as if cancer could be present if it is not.

At the moment there is no national screening program for lung cancer in the UK. Should be introduced for the screening, we need a test that's easy, fast, not too expensive and not harmful. It is always cheaper screen people at high risk, but as all the screen. For lung cancer are the people who smoke have an increased risk. So many studies to see whether screening smokers makes sense.

Lung cancer is often picked up on chest x-ray. But by the time of diagnosis, in this way, it is often quite advanced. Researchers are trying other screening tests that help diagnose lung cancer earlier find. They are called a spiral CT scan and looking for a particular type of bronchoscopy for people at high risk for lung cancer.

0 Adenocarcinoma lung cancer

An overview of adenocarcinoma lung cancer 
Adenocarcinoma is one of the most complicated forms of lung cancer from his lung metastases in different regions and thus a serious impairment of lung function. Each tumor has seen its clinical importance because of its nature and place, in this case, the adenocarcinoma of the lung as a truly critical and requires extensive clinical measures to help patients recover from this deadly cancer.

While briefly explain the characteristics of adenocarcinoma of the lung, oncologists term it as a metastasis. In view of this special quality of metastases to the cancer cells spread to different regions of the lung blood vessels, lymph nodes or direct invasion of tissue structures. The oncologists conduct extensive clinical work-up and investigations on the origin, the extent of metastases and foci involving the entire lung or part of the lung / lung or the involvement of different organs must be delineated. Due to the nature of the structures spread to other organs, in women, there are studies that will determine the status of the uterus and ovaries in addition to studying the spread to other organs performed.

Adenocarcinoma of the lung has the most complex metastatic process, and because of his conduct of its spread, the clinical approach thus represents a chemotherapy, radiotherapy and supportive therapy.
It is notable that the adenocarcinoma of the lung is among pulmonary neoplasms, the epithelial origin should be mentioned together, unlike hemangiomas, etc. The pulmonary adenocarcinoma is a malignant neoplasm.
Patients with adenocarcinoma of the lung are signs of intense pain, the experience of some shortness of breath, dyspnea and cough. These are the characters who exist in a patient who has not yet been diagnosed with cancer of the lungs, and if have not subsided after the therapy, the symptoms, then the patient in a clinical oncologist referred to exclude conditions such as this type of lung cancer .

Because therapy for adenocarcinoma of the lung, a specific course of treatment includes surgery and, depending on the extent of metastases in the course of treatment, patients are also special diets, as well as novel therapies that given laser beam radiation therapy, etc. The remission of adenocarcinoma depends on how early how early the cancer is diagnosed and the patient has started to receive chemotherapy and related treatment planning by clinical oncologists and also depend on the patient's health status, to carry the toxic effects of therapy. To overcome this deadly disease, the physician and the patient has to work as a team to fight the battle against this terrible disease.

The treatment regimen that is followed in patients with adenocarcinoma of the lung often a combination of chemotherapy drugs such as cyclophosphamide + lomustine + methotrexate, in which the response rate is 14-38%, hexamethylmelamine + doxorubicin, and methotrexate (13% -32%), methotrexate + doxorubicin + cyclophosphamide + lomustine (13% -24%), cyclophosphamide + doxorubicin + cisplatin (0-36%), cyclophosphamide + bleomycin + cisplatin (20%), mitomycin C + vinblastine + cisplatin (26% -33%), cyclophosphamide + doxorubicin + etoposide + cisplatin (29%) and vindesine, and cisplatin (33%). These therapies are considered for different patients with different clinical presentations of lung adenocarcinoma.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

0 Baby acne pictures

Baby acne pictures :(

0 Rubbing alcohol acne

A lot of people believe that rubbing alcohol is fine, as used at home acne treatment if their acne and want the most recommend using it for a toner, but what they do not know is that rubbing alcohol can actually be bad for your skin, and most of the time, not work.

Some interesting bits of information!

- Rubbing alcohol will not clear your skin!
- Other side effects may even aggravate your acne!

If you have other things to acne, treatment may delay or rubbing alcohol does not cause the treatment to work. Why would you waste time and money if you are on a different treatment.

Do not use topical treatments with alcohol!

If you wash your face with rubbing alcohol rather than want, what you should do, is a toner that not all alcohol. There are many of toners on the market at affordable prices to help you. Before you get to the toner, check the reviews on the internet and make sure that it is recommend a product.

I personally recommend Alba Hibiscus toner. It works very well!

Final Face Wash Tips
There is one important thing that you should always remember, if you are washing over your face. Always make sure that you have clean hands and that you no dirt in your nails. It is really easy to forget to check your nails sometimes, become aware.

0 Getting the ınside scoop on cystic acne

Acne breakouts can certainly put a damper on a great day or major event is imminent, but they are relatively painless and can be treated relatively easily with the most current solutions. But every now and again, you can swollen skin with your sore and painful spots to break better known as cystic acne. As for treatment, this is not quite hold as much truth to this manifestation of acne treatment issued by a licensed dermatologist may be the best solution for getting rid of acne nodulocystic and the painful spots, cysts and nodules.

Acne vulgaris usually manifests individual. Pimples and blackheads and pimples are common, but things get a little complicated when cystic acne comes into play. Some people experience mild irritation from occasional pimples or pustules, while still others a combination of blemishes caused by bacteria trapped in the pores of experience are. The problem with pesky skin is that no individual is exempt outbreaks. In addition, some people only experience in the teen years acne, but others could carry the state of the entire adult life as well.

Detect Cystic acne before it appears
Unlike most types of pimples, the phenomenon is visible in the night, takes a different route cystic acne. The infection can often be felt before it shows visible signs, and feels much like a bruise or infection under the skin of his.

Because nodular cystic acne is deeply embedded in the pores, breakouts can be quite painful, inflamed and sore to the touch, even before they appeared on the surface. Seeking treatment at an early stage could be used to clarify the pustule, which in turn reduce the risk of acne scars.
Nodular cystic acne in the Long-Term Perspective

As tempting as it is to try to get rid of pimples by squeezing it, this is often a negative effect on the skin and interfere with your my cystic acne treatments. This type of stain is particularly useful for the formation of permanent acne scars, a condition that could be worsened by stimulating the bacterial infection and a further increase in inflammation known. Furthermore, skin pigmentation changes known to occur when the infected area is an ongoing process. In the long-term perspective, it often requires plastic surgery for damage to repair after the nodular acne on the left.
The importance of eating habits

Although there are a variety of factors such as genetics and hormones that play a role in the severity of cystic acne are, eating habits can also be of importance. Statistics have shown that the United States has the highest occurrence of problematic skin. This is compared mainly in part to the large differences in the Western diet to diets in other countries around the world. Could be small adjustments in eating habits advantageous to reduce the number of cystic acne outbreaks.

0 Acne remedies naturally

The acne home remedies listed below worked for many people, but they are not allowed to work for some people. All home remedies for acne are enhanced by proper vitamin and mineral supplementation. Drink plenty of water. Drinking water will prevent most of your skin problems. For a simple calculation you divide your weight in half and drink at least that many ounces of water per day. Exercise regularly. Some form of aerobic exercise will bring oxygen to the cells and give you a healthy skin.
Acne & blackheads Home Remedies

1th Put toothpaste on your pimples before going to bed, should help reduce swelling overnight. Make sure it is the paste not the gel. One of the most popular acne home remedies.

2th Wash your face twice daily with warm salt water. This should leave your face oil free without aggravating the acne.

Apply a paste of fresh methi washed (fenugreek) leaves over the face every night for 10-15 minutes with warm water. This will prevent acne, pimples, blackheads, and wrinkles.

4th Place strawberry leaves on the acne, the alkalinity helps to reduce the swelling.

5th Extract juice of one lemon and mix with equal quantity of rose water. Apply this mixture on your face and let it stay for about half an hour. Wash the face with fresh water. About 15 days application helps cure acne, pimples and reduces blemishes and scars.

6th Another method is to face with the lemon skin massage before washing with lukewarm water.

7th Apply fresh mint juice over the face every night for the treatment of acne, pimples, insect stings, eczema, scabies and other skin infections.

8th Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. At least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables should be included in your diet. All acne home remedies should a healthy diet.

9th A few garlic cloves, crushed and dabbed on the face 1-2 times a day. One of the smellier acne home remedy!

10th Home face wash for acne: 2mls together one or each of the following mix: witch hazel, tea tree and fennel essential oils, adding essential oil of geranium for women and essential oil of rosewood for men. Mix with 300mls of water. Shake before use, because the oils to float on the water during storage. Dab affected areas with cotton wool two or three times a day. The oils will clean and unclog giving antibiotic-like protection for the skin.

11th Apply fresh lemon juice on the affected area overnight. Wash off with warm water next morning.

12th Use 2-3 tsp. dried basil leaves to 1 cup boiling water. Steep 10-20 minutes. Cool, and apply with cotton ball.

13th Grind orange peel with some water into a paste and apply on affected parts. One of the best acne home remedies.

14th Clean face with cotton wool dipped in rose water 2-3 times per day.

15th Mix 1 teaspoon lemon juice 1 teaspoon finely ground cinnamon powder and apply on affected areas frequently.

16th Nettle Tea is another solution, this tea has a herb that has some curing power and really helps work wonders on skin problems. Drink four cups a day to get the full benefit from one of the most powerful acne home remedies. Get nettle productsicon here.

17th Aloe Vera juice applied twice a day can greatly speed up the healing of acne lesions. You can buy Aloe Vera in

18th Another lotion, propolis extract used, can also be effective. Mix 8 ounces of water and 11 drops of propolis extract. One of the acne home remedies that have proven effective with many people.

19th Some herbal acne home remedies ...
Burdock leaf tea.
Lavender oil (mix 1:10 with water)
Tincture of calendula flowers.
Tea tree essential oil (mix 1:10 with water)
Liquefy cabbage leaves with witch hazel, strain and add two drops of lemon oil. Use as a lotion.

20th Ice the acne before bedtime, the next morning it was swollen considerably less. Works best with larger pimples that have not yet formed a head.

21th Take vitamin B5 and zinc supplements daily to strengthen the skin against acne.

22th Mix mint juice with turmeric and apply on affected area. Leave for 15-30 minutes and wash with lukewarm water.

23th Mix, add a little vinegar and salt in a bowl. Pour a little into your hand and rub it on the pimples. Soak a towel in it and dab it on the bumps. Leave it for 15-20 minutes and rinse it off.

24th Blend cucumber and a paste. Apply this as a mask on your face and leave it for 1 / 2 hour and then rinse. It refreshes the skin and prevents acne.

25th Mix corn flour with egg white and apply on your face. Let is dry completely for 1 / 2 hour. Dip your hands with warm water and massage your face and wash off. This, if repeated regularly gives you a smooth skin.

26th Mix sandalwood paste with rose water and apply on face. Rinse after 30 minutes.

27th Essential oil face mask for acne: Use a mask base powder, such as fuller's earth or kaolin powder. Use distilled or filtered water to a paste. Mix 1 heaped teaspoon of base powder to 3 drops of essential oil. Add about 2 tablespoons of water in order to make a fluid yet balanced paste. Essential oils in the mask either separately or try to add smaller amounts together; cypress oil 1 drop, lemon oil 2 drops, sage oil 1 drop.

28th Mix the paste of tender neem leaves with turmeric documents and application of the affected area. An eastern approach to acne home remedies.

29th Grind some nutmeg with milk and apply on affected area. Pimples disappear like magic without leaving a trace.

30th Make a mixture of lime juice and rose water. Apply to face and leave it for 15-20 minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water.

31th Make a paste by mixing 3 tablespoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder. Apply this paste on the pimples before sleeping and wash it next morning with warm water. Repeat this for two weeks will disappear forever pimples.

32th Rub fresh garlic on and around pimples. Pimples disappear without a mark with regular applications.

33th Mix 1 teaspoon peanut oil 1 teaspoon fresh lime juice to prevent formation of blackheads and pimples.

34th Ground drumstick pods and leaves and mix mixed with fresh lime juice and apply on pimples. This is also good for blackheads and dark spots.

35th First wash face and then dab acne with cotton wool soaked in vinegar.

36th Mix groundnut oil with the same amtount of fresh lime juice and apply on face. Leave for 10-15 minutes and wash. It can be applied daily to prevent formation of blackheads, acne and pimples.

37th Apply juice of raw papaya (including the skin and seed) on swelling acne, pimples.

38th Apply fresh lime juice mixed to a glass of boiled milk as washing the face for acne, pimples, blackheads and cracked skin.

39th Apply ripe tomatoes pulp on acne, pimples and kept up to 1 hour, then wash.

40th Make a paste of roasted & powdered pomgranate skin with fresh lime juice and apply over acne, boils, pimples, blackheads and pimples.

41th Apply grated potatoes as mash to avoid skin blemishes, wrinkles, boils, pimples, blackheads, treating, etc.

42th Make a paste of ground radish seeds with water and apply on face to remove blackheads.

43th Apply a paste of seasame seeds with water as a cover for an inflammation of the skin due to allergies, skin rashes and pimples.

44th Large pores of the facial skin can be treated with sandalwood powder with masoor dal paste.

45th Use an oatmeal or almond mask thoroughly to cleanse your face. Mix either oatmeal or ground almonds with enough rose water to make a soft paste that is easy to make on the skin. Rub your skin with your fingertips, paying special attention the problem areas. Let it dry for about 15 minutes and then rinse with cold water. This is very good at getting rid of blackheads.

46th A solution has from one and a half cups of hot water and half a teaspoon of boric powder is an ideal tool for blackheads, Saturate a face napkin again in this hot solution and press on the skin, twice. Extract blackheads carefully with a cotton Blackhead remover and sterilized. Pat on a astrigent.

47th Honey is an important remedy for skin blemishes and acne because the honey kills bacteria. - Submitted by Chelsea

These are some effective home remedies for treating acne and blackheads.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

0 Lung cancer stage

What are the Stages of disease (staging)?
Cancer has been diagnosed, the doctor is primarily the extent of disease, or in other words, at what stage (stage) shall determine.  

Disease; - Only a small section of the lung, stage I, - To the nearest lymph bezelerine-missed stage II, - In the lung or the membrane surrounding the lungs called the mediastinum, the space between the two lung or has spread here, swollen glands in stage III, - Liver, bone, adrenal gland has spread to distant organs, such as stage IV, your doctor to determine the phase adlandırılır.Doğru lung x-rays, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging of the thorax and abdomen, bone scan or computed tomography of the brain for the appropriate stage amaliyat gerekebilr.Hastalığın wants to see if the filesystem is called a mediastinoscopy, an incision in the neck cavity, lighted tube to the mediastinum during this process and look for a test that included a sample of lymph bezelerinden yapılabilir.Eğer also leaves two of the lining of the lung fluid accumulated, your doctor with a needle between the ribs will be entering the water sample for pathological examination. If this process is called thoracentesis.

0 Lung cancer overview

Lung cancer, cancer causes of death in both men and women, as it comes first, followed by the three major cancer-breast, colon, and prostate-emerges as the more deadly type of cancer.
Especially for lung cancer, including non-asbestos, Rodon preparers, such as the role of environmental factors also need to also have a genetic predisposition to bahsedilse, as well as the emergence of the disease, is thought to play an important role in the progression and prognosis. Degradation of the complex functions of cell cycle regulators in lung cancer is associated with exactly.
Histologically and clinically classifiable as non-small cell and small cell lung cancer, neuroendocrine also has a subtype.
The search for genetic analysis, except for the normal respiratory epithelium, precancerous lesions, and metastases in advanced cancers covers. In addition, there are many cell line studies, thanks to these studies in the laboratory, cancer cells can be created, and on the various research.
Some genetic disorders are associated with a particular subtype. such as loss of function of p53 gene in tumor prevention in all types of cancer has been recognized as a general feature. Of these p53 protein and epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) gene has a separate importance. Finding the levels of expression of these genes, as well as transmitting information about the course of the disease, but also determines the treatment strategy. Such as gefitinib and erlotinib are used in lung cancer "medicine" for the blockade of EGFR molecules are molecules produced. Treatment with the EGFR mutation analysis can be used to test the sensitivity of these molecules. In our laboratory, tumor tissue samples obtained from the DNA of the EGFR gene (18-21. Exons) that are important series of mutations detected by analyzing the response to treatment.
Another problem encountered in the treatment of cancer patients in the long-term therapy is the development of drug resistance. This genetic mechanism in the development of resistance (20 ekzondaki of secondary T790M mutation) is illuminated. The work, created by the resistance to deal with this second generation of genetically modified molecules (lapatinib, etc.). Created.
Another prominent research KRAS'tır cancer gene. Of antibodies against EGFR, KRAS mutations are associated with resistance. Today, genetic studies performed on this gene (especially 12.13 and 61 codon mutations) are used as predictors of treatment response prediction and monitoring of treatment. In our laboratory, the tumor tissue by analyzing DNA samples from a series of anti-EGFR, KRAS gene mutations that are important in the response to treatment is determined.
In addition, mutations in other cancer genes of importance to determine the original treatment BRAF'tır. Some of the molecules used in the treatment of cancer (MEK inhibitor) increased the expression BRAF'ın aims. BRAF'ın genetic analysis of this before starting treatment (V600) is advisable to look. BRAF V600 mutation in our laboratory, studied with sequence analysis.
As a result,
In 2012 the United States only for non-small cell lung cancer is expected to exceed $ 4 billion spent on pharmaceutical expenditures. The discovery of new therapeutic approaches are urgently needed medical point of view. Diagnostic and therapeutic importance could sense a number of genes being studied. Final success criteria and targets to be achieved in the cure, that is, the disappearance of the disease fully.

0 Lung cancer symptoms

Signs and symptoms of lung cancer:

1 - endless, and a cough to get worse over time
2 - Persistent chest pain
3 - Blood spit
4 - Shortness of breath
5 - to wheezing breathing.
6 - I often have pneumonia or bronchitis, and does not exceed
7 - Neck and facial swelling
8 - Loss of appetite and weight loss
9 - Fatigue

These findings kaynaklanabilir.Bulguların lung cancer, or less serious conditions should be evaluated by a doctor.


For help finding the causes of the symptoms his doctor's diseases, tobacco use (cigarettes, pipes, cigars, etc..) Status, exposure to environmental or occupational substances, and queries whether there is cancer in other family members. Chest X-rays and may require some testing. If the suspects of lung cancer in sputum examination (sputum cytology, lung and mucosa of the material from the microscopic examination of a deep cough) ister.Bu examine a simple and useful test to detect lung cancer. Cancer, the doctor may need to review to make sure the lung tissue.
A small piece of tissue obtained by biopsy under a microscope by a pathologist, a doctor's examination indicates whether the cancer.

There are many methods to get this piece of tissue.

1) Bronchoscopy: a slim, lighted tube (bronchoscope) is inserted into the mouth to see the airways, the airways are examined and a small piece of tissue is taken from here.

2) Needle aspiration: A needle is inserted into the tumor-Chest is the process of taking a small piece of tissue.

3) Thoracentesis: The fluid that surrounds the lungs using a needle, for example to investigate this a little taken.

4) Thoracotomy: Cancer to recognize the tumor surgically opening the chest to get a piece.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

0 Prostate cancer staging

The prevalence of prostate cancer staging system to describe a so-called Doctors often use 2 staging system ABCD System: In early stages (stages A and B), prostate cancer and a small number of cells in the prostate cancer cells are located just outside of the prostate did not move in time, a larger portion of the prostate cancer may invade surrounding tissues with advanced cancer (stage C), and then the lymph nodes and other organs and bones (stage D) jump
The TNM system: this system, tumor size, T, N, lymph node involvement, and M determines the leap to other organs, for example, this system can be defined for all possible propagation conditions T3c, N1, M0; prostate tumor spread beyond the seminal vesicles (T3c), a lymph gland I have cancer (N1) and is not jumped the cancer to other organs (M0) In fact, despite the fact that exactly correspond to each other defines the TNM and the ABCD systems are similar In addition to the cancer staging ratings to determine what proportion is dangerous, "Gleason System" is used with biopsy specimen from the tumor cells and normal cells are put under a microscope view of a degree is determined to what extent deviates from the tumors with Gleason score 2 through 4 are very similar to normal cells, and slow made up of cells growing from 8 to 10 score worse than the indolent tumors are those
Prostate Cancer Treatment Prostate cancer treatment, cancer stage, watched how the patient's age and general health status is determined by considering various treatment options, side effects, there are many different treatment options, to be applied to you in determining your treatment, your family and your doctor decide together with the above-mentioned basic criteria in mind The most appropriate approach would be to give The first option is "waiting is by observing the" Prostate cancer is a disease that is usually very slow and stop the symptoms of this disease for years, often emerging later in life by waiting for a period of waiting for one of the options to monitor developments and other treatment options, side effects and ailments, the observation shall be avoided, however, as the disease progresses , to the implementation of treatments is inevitable One of the most important criteria in determining the stage of prostate cancer treatment options, the first goal early stages of cancer from the body completely remove or kill the cancer cells if the cancer has reached advanced stages of cancer cells is expanded to up to completely clean the öldürülemeyecek or in this case, slowing the growth of the cancer or pre-treatment options are aimed at durdurmağı Prostate cancer is a paradise with the effect of hormones such as testosterone erkelik As we know, grows very large part of the testes of male sex hormones (eggs) are produced with advanced prostate cancer hormone therapy erkelik cancer cells may be able to supply this treatment option to prevent the "hormonal" therapy is called

0 Prostate cancer symptoms

Prostate cancer is actually quite slow, but there is a cancer that arises the following question: Why is it that so many people are dying from cancer? Indeed, as stated, the second row of male cancer deaths follow a slow and gradual, but said that the cancer may sound like a contradiction. The main reason for this unique prostate cancer, suggestive of cancer, the patient immediately to direct a finding of a physician or the lack of symptoms. That's why 30% of patients to a physician, the cancer has spread outside the prostate. May not be as stated, no evidence, but a pain in the lower abdomen in the blunt-skilled, urgency, difficulty in starting to urinate, the pain in urination, weak urine flow, drip, intermittent urination, night 2 or more times to urinate, the bladder fully emptying, bleeding in the urine, semen, along with bleeding, pain in lower back and hip area, loss of appetite, weight loss can be seen as the findings. In such a case must be negotiated with a urology specialist, and should be examined. Noting that the vast majority of findings similar to those of the prostate, benign growth.

0 Prostate cancer and prostatic diseases

All cells in our body in a certain order under control, and self-renew and multiply. For some reason-it causes uncontrolled proliferation of cells in the soon-examine. This is caused by the uncontrolled proliferation of tumor cells accumulate to form together. What we call a collection of tumor cells. Some of the tumors, but a portion remains in place multiplies the circulation and spread to other organs can damage them. This spread of malignant tumors, tumor or "cancer" is called. Cancer cells capable of proliferation elsewhere to settle there. If the prostate is an organ located in all men. Responsible for the construction of the male semen. This gland is called prostate cancer is cancer occurring.
Who gets?
The most common cancer in men prostattır internal organs. Most women over 50 for men after lung cancer is cancer that kills. 65-75 years of age and older men are seen most likely, also known as disease. Asymptomatic type is more common after 75 years of age and over 50 percent of the incidence of this species. Advancing age increases the risk of prostate cancer. Because more than likely seen in people over age 65, according to surveys.
The reason is unclear, but hormones, genetic (hereditary) and environmental factors in the formation of this disease is thought to be reasons. Does not occur before puberty, after puberty the hormones are secreted and used in the treatment of this cancer hormones (like estrogen) effect on this disease show that the presence of hormones.
First-degree relatives of individuals with prostate cancer were at increased risk for the disease. Therefore, genetic factors are implicated in prostate cancer. American black race, African descent, and is seen more often occurs at an earlier age. The reason for this is unknown. To find genes that cause prostate cancer are still underway.
Specific geographic areas to see environmental factors also play a role in prostate cancer suggests that more. Observed in the Scandinavian countries in particular. And some other Asian countries, Japan has become less common. Risk areas as a result of migration from these regions has not increased, but the next generation seems to have increased risk of disease. This also demonstrates the importance of environmental impact. Foods that are high in animal fat diet is thought to increase the risk of disease.
Insidious disease is a condition characterized and slow-growing usually produce no symptoms in early disease. The patient is not suffering from the many. But after advancing to the disease-usually occurs in the urinary tract clogged-following symptoms occur:

difficulty with urination,
frequent urination at night and waking up to it,
to see blood in the urine.
This occurs as a result of the above symptoms prsotatın growth. If the tumor has spread to the body, pain (usually back pain) seen in conditions such as weight loss. How is the diagnosis of Prostate Cancer?
Measure the level of PSA, a manual examination, ultrasound, x-ray, the diagnosis of prostate cancer are taking part prostate. PSA is a substance produced in the prostate it is important to putting the diagnosis is more than the amount required to be in the blood. Normal value is 4 ng / dl, and it is six. If you understand the examination, the tumor formed by hand, but this is not an adequate method. In order to understand the cancer has spread to the bones, the bone is drawn film. The same applies to the lung. Can be seen with ultrasound, and where the cancer has spread, the size is checked. Microscopic examination as a result of prostate cancer may be diagnosed from the track.
Early diagnosis of prostate cancer is a disease that can be completely treated. First, the tumor needs to be examined for appropriate treatment. Examined the spread of cancer. Current location of the tumor is checked. One method of treatment drug treatment. Drugs are used to destroy cancer cells. In addition to hormone therapy in advanced cancers are prostta. Estrogen is the hormone. Another form of therapy radiation therapy. Called the method of radiotherapy. Aim to kill cancer cells. As a result of surgery to treat the prostate gland, organs removed from the tumor has spread.
However, you must keep in mind, however, be treated the same for everyone. Therapeutic goal is to extend the life. Treatment should not only slowed the disease goes too far. Now is not a disease that can be treated. Therefore, those over the age of 50 should be checked by a doctor for the screening of the disease. Not many signs of disease for the early diagnosis is very important. In addition, it is as comfortable and treatments are not without side effects. Sure you selected the most appropriate treatment.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

0 Prostate cancer treatment

Prostate Cancer Treatment Process
Prostate surgery is not recommended for men older than 70 years. Likewise, the male power of people is very important in planning treatment. Because prostate cancer is related directly to the male hormone.
Prostate cancer is the early recognition of time and the young person, the person's life expectancy is over ten years must be 'radical prostate surgery, called a cataract operations in the open or closed, some, such as prostate removal is concerned. Who do not accept this, or later in the stage of the so-called beam radiotherapy for patients with high-tech treatments or cancer treatments are made using ultrasound waves.
Tissues around the prostate cancer who will be skipped, the most advanced stage of the so-called D hormone therapies should be applied. The purpose of hormone therapy, the person to end the power of masculinity. Women entering menopause andropoza the introduction of such a man. This drug can be realized, people made their testicles surgically removed and the ways possible.
New technology is very high rates of treatment success.

Process in Prostate Cancer Treatment Prostate Disease Prostate Cancer cancer cancer therapy cancer treatment menopause menopause new technologies

Friday, July 13, 2012

0 What can you do about acne on your own?

What we eat in our bodies as a result of toxine consists of a body out of the way they have to throw this out of the scavenging process is carried out in two ways.1-through the intestines and liver,Through 
2-Sweating,them work two out of the way the body regularly atabilmekte 2 Sinden is a problem with one single-sided, this process continues to be realized in most people with acne problem, the problem was the intestine. Sweat glands in the intestines does not work properly when sent to the intensive toxine here are discharged from the pores. Acne can accumulate in the pores can not be expelled out of the toxine başlatmaktadırlar yoluylada sweating.Yes toxinlerdir the only reason the occurrence of acne. We know now occurring cause acne. Then you are able to produce their own solution with ourselves.
Now you've been kicked in the intestines, and manipulate them as a liver intensive toxine. If you have a problem with your intestines that we have to fix it gözenkelere toxine to attack or lightness of the pores on the load. We must make a neutral or the toxine.CARROT: toxine from the body to throw one of the best foods also be caused by a lack of vitamin A in acne formation. Article of the beta-carotene are carrots. Provided that enzyme the body needs a vitamin. Intake of vitamin A can of side effects. But with the carrot that ensuring as much as the body's needs. If the body does not hurt to Betakaroten'in. Skin color is a result of over-consumption of turunculaşabilir alone. In addition, the digestive system, eye, and is good for your teeth.APPLE: Apple is both a toxin in the skin wounds and acne caused avıcısı both holes for repairs is one of the most important foods.SALAD: Salad proven to be good 96% Si is water and the skin is really a food.Grape juice: Grape juice is an antioxidant substance that is also very good. But you can find the food a bit expensive.SPINACH: always try to eat once per week.You should eat foods from carrots and salad every day must have written here. I would recommend t apple and grape suyunuda.
They identified my Spouse antioxidant foods with a little research too, you find and eat them.
Then wash your skin morning and evening, and of course I'd recommend you start to use your hands to your face, avoiding nylon gloves. Wash your face using soap for your face is already a sensitive nature that do not use soap. I thought I killed the germs with soap yıkadığımda. But now, I've learned in the protective film of bacteria on the skin's pores will enter these bacteria had more soap if you use a engelliyormuş germs and germs are broken in this layer to enter the başlıyorlarmış more comfortable. Gazatede've heard on television. There was some brands of soap saver. Then the people opened their cases, as do damage to the skin unlike kandırıyorsunuz. In other words, breaking down the structure of the skin using soap. To do this, do not use soap. Exercise Drink plenty of sweat pores through sweating, but sweating at the end of the toxine can get a good shower and wash your face no team win. Düşünerekten my face is very oily, then I used a yağsızlaştırıcı cream and creams containing benzoyl 10% came from a really good 3-5 days after use, then wiped my face oil-humidifiers can use fat-free brands you trust.Yes friends, this formula is implemented as a result, I must say I saw improvement within 1 week after I started the day.I got rid of this problem by applying this formula. If you know the reason for my writing as I said at the beginning of a solution to the problem that is very simple. You've shared my experience of 8 years pharmaceutical cream method for 8 years did not lead to denemediğim clay masks, flowers, masks, powders, creams, medications, none proved successful.In fact, this name has a name here anlattılarımın DETOX help the body to work properly.In the meantime, you can eat everything you want, but plenty of toxine foods you eat, see a little more effort to get rid of the toxine.Please help your liver.

0 What is acne?

Acne (acne vulgaris, common acne) is a disease of the hair follicles of the face, chest, and back that affects almost all males and females during puberty; the only exception being teenage members of a few primitive isolated tribes living in Neolithic societies. It is not caused by bacteria, although bacteria play a role in its development. It is not unusual for some women to develop acne in their mid- to late-20s.

Acne appears on the skin as...

1- congested pores ("comedones"), also known as blackheads or whiteheads,

2- tender red bumps also known as pimples or zits,

3- pustules, and occasionally as

4- cysts (deep pimples, boils).

You can do a lot to treat your acne using products available at a drugstore or cosmetic counter that do not require a prescription. However, for tougher cases of acne, you should consult a physician for treatment options.

What causes acne?

No one factor causes acne. Acne happens when sebaceous (oil) glands attached to the hair follicles are stimulated at the time of puberty by elevated levels of male hormones. Sebum (oil) is a natural substance which lubricates and protects the skin. Associated with increased oil production is a change in the manner in which the skin cells mature so that they are predisposed to clog the follicular openings or pores. The clogged hair follicle gradually enlarges, producing a bump. As the follicle enlarges, the wall may rupture, allowing irritating substances and normal skin bacteria access into the deeper layers of the skin, ultimately producing inflammation.

Inflammation near the skin's surface produces a pustule; deeper inflammation results in a papule (pimple); deeper still and it's a cyst. If the oil breaks though to the surface, the result is a "whitehead." If the oil accumulates melanin pigment or becomes oxidized, the oil changes from white to black, and the result is a "blackhead." Blackheads are therefore not dirt and do not reflect poor hygiene.

Here are some factors that don't usually play a role in acne:

Heredity: With the exception of very severe acne, most people do not have the problem exactly as their parents did. Almost everyone has some acne at some point in their life.
Food: Parents often tell teens to avoid pizza, chocolate, greasy and fried foods, and junk food. While these foods may not be good for overall health, they don't cause acne or make it worse. Although some recent studies have implicated milk and pure chocolate in aggravating acne, these findings are very far from established.

Dirt: As mentioned above, "blackheads" are oxidized oil, not dirt. Sweat does not cause acne, therefore, it is not necessary to shower instantly after exercise for fear that sweat will clog pores. On the other hand, excessive washing can dry and irritate the skin. 

Stress: Some people get so upset by their pimples that they pick at them and make them last longer. Stress, however, does not play much of a direct role in causing acne.
In occasional patients, the following may be contributing factors:
Pressure: In some patients, pressure from helmets, chin straps, collars, suspenders, and the like can aggravate acne.
Drugs: Some medications may cause or worsen acne, such as those containing iodides, bromides, or oral or injected steroids (either the medically prescribed prednisone [Deltasone, Orasone, Prednicen-M, Liquid Pred] or the steroids that bodybuilders or athletes take). Other drugs that can cause or aggravate acne are anticonvulsant medications and lithium (Eskalith, Lithobid), which is used to treat bipolar disorder. Most cases of acne, however, are not drug related.

Occupations: In some jobs, exposure to industrial products like cutting oils may produce acne.

Cosmetics: Some cosmetics and skin-care products are pore clogging ("comedogenic"). Of the many available brands of skin-care products, it is important to read the list of ingredients and choose those which have water listed first or second if you are concerned about acne. These "water-based" products are usually safe.

0 Acne masks

Acne mask 1: 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 medium orange peel into the grate and lamenting thoroughly in a mortar until creamy. Apply on the pimples on the relief and a half hour waiting for tozuunu add. Then rinse.
Acne Mask 2: Boil beans in water 1 scoop powder into the quince After waiting a day to blisters, apply powder and mix it with.
Acne Mask 3: 1 tablespoon dry yeast into the water, add 1 unit of aspirin in ten of oxygen into the mix all of them. Acne wash the area with this mixture and then rinse with warm water.
Acne blemishes masks: With rose water to clear before going to bed at night. Squeeze half a lemon, tighten your face suyunuda lemon. One tablespoon of yeast into a grain mash until you make, such as aspirin, oxygenated water, add flour until the mix as boza and ride-to-face for 20 minutes and rinse.
Bean mask for acne blemishes: Clean the inside of the beans and boil 1 cup of almond oil and add a grain, and mix. Ride-to-face for 20 minutes and rinse. One day a week is enough to do.
Honey mask for acne blemishes: Squeeze lemon juice into the same amount into the egg white and honey and mix with yeast from the bakery. For 20 minutes and rinse.
Mask for acne blemishes: 1 tablespoon apricot oil 1 tablespoon of clay and 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar mix and leave blisters, driving with a damp cheesecloth wrap. Rinse and'll find rid of stains.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

0 What are the Causes of Acne?

There is a definite reason for the formation of acne but there are many factors, but creates situations. Constantly come across problems, acne, oily skin is mostly above normal. Excess fat can clog very easily get caught in the pore.
Proper acne skin, dead skin cells and produces more than normal cells, and then easily shed. Dead skin cells and excess oil clings to the surface and root forms with the komedo'yu.
Pore, ciltsel shedding and the time is filled with oil, ready to be prevented in the bacteria included in the degree of porosity increases. Propionibakteri acne, acne skin, acne produces inflammatory seen plenty.
Acne is usually during adolescence, the body consists of being more of the hormone androgen. Androgen hormones make the oil gland, revitalizing the skin less oily and prepare the ground for acne.
Says that the effect of the hormone androgen in the development of acne in many dematolog. Adolescence is the period of the menstrual period, pregnancy and hormonal fluctuations during menopause is also. Prepare the way for the fluctuation consisting of acne.
Other conditions that cause the formation of acne cosmetic products containing oil, komedojenik skin and hair care products, estrogen-containing drugs leads to the formation of acne.

0 Options for treating acne naturally

Natural acne treatments to be applied in practical ways.
Accumulated grease and dust, clean the pores, the acne mask once or twice a week can be used as a clay mask. Sulfur, clay and mineral content is useful for acne problem, acne masks.
Acne removal: for spots on the skin pore and into the mineral water mixed with 1 cup of half a lemon to the mixture to clean face with cotton placed.
With parsley juice mixed with honey or black spots against the effectiveness of acne treatment is available for.
Green tea cream produced mild acne herbal acne solution is available as a.
Apple cider vinegar is a natural one of the options used for acne problem. Used apple cider vinegar diluted with water.
Half a cup of tea a half-cup of apple cider vinegar mixed with water and applied to the skin of a cotton wool.
Magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium and potassium in apple vinegar vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A is located.
Useful against the black spots on the steam bath at home.
Zinc mineral is useful against acne. Measurements in people with acne are insufficient levels of zinc in zinc görülmüştür.3 months, people with acne 3 / 4 also showed significant benefit for the. External or oral zinc mineral, oil glands, the secretion of sebum, prevents further rate.
In the body and balancing the ratio between omega 6 omega-3 fatty asidiyle would help prevent the problem of acne are those who have advanced. Inflammation increases the inflammation-reducing effect of omega 6 to omega-3 has.

0 Acne treatment

According to the characteristics of acne lesions, treatment is applied at three levels.
Local treatment: the majority of cases to check the function of the digestive system and local treatment is sufficient to apply. Local treatment is not easy and requires great caution as it appears. Papules and pustules of the most important rule is strictly
acne is to not touch. This behavior leads to the spread of infection and permanent scarring can cause unpleasant appearance. Non-inflamedlanmamış comedones only, provided that comply with the rules of purification removable infection. This process should be the appropriate instruments. Local medical treatment is applied to each patient according to skin sensitivity. The best solution, the sulfur oily skin, sensitive skin do not affect patients with a good direction. Some types of acne requires intensive treatment with acid solutions rezorsin and şahsilik. Percent of these substances stimulates the skin peeling. In some cases, small abscesses are cut cleaning method. Medical treatment may be accompanied by physical therapy practices. Ultraviolet rays can be an effective peeling of skin (acne to heal during the summer months, depends on ultraviolet light). The sun's rays and it is equivalent to artificial ultraviolet radiation is very positive effect on acne, which makes lamps. That ultraviolet radiation can cause burns to give the lamps should be noted that the use outside the control of experts. Ism during the treatment of dark-color glass eyes and the cotton must be protected with pads. Broad-spectrum antibiotic ointments containing corticosteroid hormones or local treatment of acne, gives a positive result. Ointment should be applied at least twice a day and must be given long-massages the skin thoroughly. Recently started to use Vitamin A acid (vitamin A derivatives) regulates the secretion of fat by stimulating the skin peeling.Very advanced cases, the foreskin and the skin surface by stripping (der-moabrazyon) eliminates the traces left by acne. This initiative is a rapidly rotating steel wire brushes. This is basically the method of treatment, the skin scars (scarring) occurs is intended to stimulate self-renewal ability. Thus, preserving the skin's surface layer stripping of the papilla can be ensured. General or local anesthesia, but the hospital for treatment as required by applicable conditions. Local anesthesia is the cooling method. This method provides a more enabling environment for enterprise by toughening the skin.
General treatment: pustules, cysts, papules and scarring in advanced cases, the formation of the above-described methods, as well as local treatment and hormone therapy alıtibiyotik-implements. Tetracyclines are the most effective drug therapy overall. According to the recommendation of a physician every six hours, half an hour before or two hours after a meal is 250 milligrams. This is continued until the application has fully recovered. Then, by reducing the dose of therapy is given. Tetracycline dose can be increased to some extent with severe refractory cases. This antibiotic treatment may take many years to remember.No female patients do not respond to treatment, estrogen contained in birth control pills are used. In addition to drug treatment in some cases you may need to remove and pull komedonlann. This method is less than 10 percent success rate. Many cases are observed to occur within a few weeks back comedones.Cysts and abscess lesions of corticosteroid hormones in low doses can be given through a needle into the lesion. This treatment is in many cases, especially in germ-inflammation provides rapid recovery.
Mental treatment: Acne is the formation of the importance of psychological factors, the physician directs a study in this direction. In this approach, the physician of the patient with the young, the adoption of the disease, treatment of co-operation to ensure a more uniform and consistent, mental and emotional conflicts that cause the disease, such as better recognition of the establishment of a relationship that provides a positive outcome.
All About Acne:
Is there a difference between acne, neonatal acne, and young adults?
Papules and pustules that occur in neonates komedondan too. This lesion-s cheeks, forehead and chin is raised. Breast milk and the seen.
What are other types of acne?
Redness and enlargement of the superficial veins (telangiectasia), caused by the rozeollü acne (acne rosacea), except for neck and back, mostly the face, nose and cheeks is seen. This type, young adults like white papules and pustules are common-nedekine, but never seen comedones.
Rozeollü Who is affected by acne?
Adults usually 30-50 years of age, is seen more in women. Around 10 years of age or in adults are rarely seen. Youth aknesinin oily skin people often can not seen this type are affected by acne.
How lesions develop?
Gidişlidir Rozeollü chronic acne also. Each other, followed by periods of decline and exacerbation of unknown origin. Generally, a balanced flow periods shows redness and telangiectasia. Sometimes, as a result of the increase in connective tissue yağbezleri and thicken the skin. This increase in tissue in the nose "rhinophyma" or "drunkard's nose," the so-called nose and pulled off track in a display devoted yumrularla determined.
What are the causes?
Causes of acne completely elucidated rozeollü the reflexes of the skin due to the internal organs of the body is considered to be a nervous system-vessel disease. This type of digestion in patients with acne, decreased gastric acid secretion and gastric contractions found in diseases of the digestive system is weakened. Also seen in women, and especially during menopause or menstrual disorders sıklaşır. Leaving a small parasitic eggs as a cause of acne in yağbezlerine (Demodex folliculorum) is considered.
How is it treated?
The main reason for the treatment of symptoms is not known. Hot, extreme cold, such as the sun out of need to prevent disease among the factors fueling. Carbon in the blood by applying the freezing treatment (cryotherapy) gives the best results. Parasites detected in patients with sulfur ointment is recommended. If pustules of systemic antibiotics (tetracycline), anxiety and nervous disorders and anxiety-relieving drugs yatıştıncı occur in patients gives the best results.

2012 i wanna free acne Health basic