Thursday, July 12, 2012

0 Acne treatment

According to the characteristics of acne lesions, treatment is applied at three levels.
Local treatment: the majority of cases to check the function of the digestive system and local treatment is sufficient to apply. Local treatment is not easy and requires great caution as it appears. Papules and pustules of the most important rule is strictly
acne is to not touch. This behavior leads to the spread of infection and permanent scarring can cause unpleasant appearance. Non-inflamedlanmamış comedones only, provided that comply with the rules of purification removable infection. This process should be the appropriate instruments. Local medical treatment is applied to each patient according to skin sensitivity. The best solution, the sulfur oily skin, sensitive skin do not affect patients with a good direction. Some types of acne requires intensive treatment with acid solutions rezorsin and şahsilik. Percent of these substances stimulates the skin peeling. In some cases, small abscesses are cut cleaning method. Medical treatment may be accompanied by physical therapy practices. Ultraviolet rays can be an effective peeling of skin (acne to heal during the summer months, depends on ultraviolet light). The sun's rays and it is equivalent to artificial ultraviolet radiation is very positive effect on acne, which makes lamps. That ultraviolet radiation can cause burns to give the lamps should be noted that the use outside the control of experts. Ism during the treatment of dark-color glass eyes and the cotton must be protected with pads. Broad-spectrum antibiotic ointments containing corticosteroid hormones or local treatment of acne, gives a positive result. Ointment should be applied at least twice a day and must be given long-massages the skin thoroughly. Recently started to use Vitamin A acid (vitamin A derivatives) regulates the secretion of fat by stimulating the skin peeling.Very advanced cases, the foreskin and the skin surface by stripping (der-moabrazyon) eliminates the traces left by acne. This initiative is a rapidly rotating steel wire brushes. This is basically the method of treatment, the skin scars (scarring) occurs is intended to stimulate self-renewal ability. Thus, preserving the skin's surface layer stripping of the papilla can be ensured. General or local anesthesia, but the hospital for treatment as required by applicable conditions. Local anesthesia is the cooling method. This method provides a more enabling environment for enterprise by toughening the skin.
General treatment: pustules, cysts, papules and scarring in advanced cases, the formation of the above-described methods, as well as local treatment and hormone therapy alıtibiyotik-implements. Tetracyclines are the most effective drug therapy overall. According to the recommendation of a physician every six hours, half an hour before or two hours after a meal is 250 milligrams. This is continued until the application has fully recovered. Then, by reducing the dose of therapy is given. Tetracycline dose can be increased to some extent with severe refractory cases. This antibiotic treatment may take many years to remember.No female patients do not respond to treatment, estrogen contained in birth control pills are used. In addition to drug treatment in some cases you may need to remove and pull komedonlann. This method is less than 10 percent success rate. Many cases are observed to occur within a few weeks back comedones.Cysts and abscess lesions of corticosteroid hormones in low doses can be given through a needle into the lesion. This treatment is in many cases, especially in germ-inflammation provides rapid recovery.
Mental treatment: Acne is the formation of the importance of psychological factors, the physician directs a study in this direction. In this approach, the physician of the patient with the young, the adoption of the disease, treatment of co-operation to ensure a more uniform and consistent, mental and emotional conflicts that cause the disease, such as better recognition of the establishment of a relationship that provides a positive outcome.
All About Acne:
Is there a difference between acne, neonatal acne, and young adults?
Papules and pustules that occur in neonates komedondan too. This lesion-s cheeks, forehead and chin is raised. Breast milk and the seen.
What are other types of acne?
Redness and enlargement of the superficial veins (telangiectasia), caused by the rozeollü acne (acne rosacea), except for neck and back, mostly the face, nose and cheeks is seen. This type, young adults like white papules and pustules are common-nedekine, but never seen comedones.
Rozeollü Who is affected by acne?
Adults usually 30-50 years of age, is seen more in women. Around 10 years of age or in adults are rarely seen. Youth aknesinin oily skin people often can not seen this type are affected by acne.
How lesions develop?
Gidişlidir Rozeollü chronic acne also. Each other, followed by periods of decline and exacerbation of unknown origin. Generally, a balanced flow periods shows redness and telangiectasia. Sometimes, as a result of the increase in connective tissue yağbezleri and thicken the skin. This increase in tissue in the nose "rhinophyma" or "drunkard's nose," the so-called nose and pulled off track in a display devoted yumrularla determined.
What are the causes?
Causes of acne completely elucidated rozeollü the reflexes of the skin due to the internal organs of the body is considered to be a nervous system-vessel disease. This type of digestion in patients with acne, decreased gastric acid secretion and gastric contractions found in diseases of the digestive system is weakened. Also seen in women, and especially during menopause or menstrual disorders sıklaşır. Leaving a small parasitic eggs as a cause of acne in yağbezlerine (Demodex folliculorum) is considered.
How is it treated?
The main reason for the treatment of symptoms is not known. Hot, extreme cold, such as the sun out of need to prevent disease among the factors fueling. Carbon in the blood by applying the freezing treatment (cryotherapy) gives the best results. Parasites detected in patients with sulfur ointment is recommended. If pustules of systemic antibiotics (tetracycline), anxiety and nervous disorders and anxiety-relieving drugs yatıştıncı occur in patients gives the best results.


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2012 i wanna free acne Health basic