Tuesday, November 12, 2013

0 25 Tips To Transform Challenges Into Opportunities For Joy

Everyone deals with challenges. I know it well. I’ve had my brain cut open twice. Diagnosed with a brain tumor in 1998 when I was 24 years old, my world turned upside down. Over the last 15 plus years, I had two awake brain surgeries and used hundreds of integrative health care therapies.

Challenges provide opportunities. From navigating through my healing journey and studying many modalities, I know the process to healing. Here are 25 tips for you to address your pain and suffering, move through it, embrace your joy, and activate your purpose.

1. Breath deeply. Just breathe.

2. Relax more frequently. The body actually needs to rest and restore to help you navigate through your challenges.

3. Give yourself quiet time. Silence combined with stillness is very powerful for healing, including with new insights.

4. Meditate daily.

5. Spend time in nature. Take walks. Relax, feel the earth, and place your hand on your heart.

6. Feel your emotions. Do not let your pain got blocked in your body.

7. Express yourself. Do not hold it internally. Use journaling, art, conversations, dancing, and connections to release what you carry.

8. Receive support. Support reduces the suffering.

9. Focus on what you enjoy. Feel your passions. Continue those activities. Your passions support your innate healing capacity.

10. Eat healthy for countless benefits. They will even increase your awareness, including clarity in your mind and entire body.

11. Exercise and use movement practices such as yoga. Enter your body and become more embodied. The body doesnt lie.

12. Listen. Just listen to your body and environment. Go more internal and external through your ebb and flow. Connect with your center.

13. Increase your religion or spirituality. Those relationships provide information about opportunities.

14. Further improve your awareness. That will help you gain more knowledge. Even be aware of synchronicity, imagery, signs, symbols, and dreams.

15. Connect with your intuition and instincts. They will guide you.

16. Relax more with an open heart. Assess if your heart is not opened. Explore any blocks that prevent it from happening.

17. Explore and define aspects of your feelings, thoughts, and beliefs, as well as your ego. Compare them to your actions. Cultivate what you know about your patterns, good and bad, and learn how to improve how you handle them.

18. Forgive if you carry negative pain. Love others. Love yourself.

19. Develop and maintain integrity. Advance consistency with what you think, feel, say, and do. Be true to yourself.

20. Ponder and process your purpose in this life. Assess and reassess. Launch what you’ve identified. When done without pushing too hard, your purpose supports your innate healing capacity.

21. Be proactive. Actions are necessary. Apply your intellect.

22. Recognize youll receive support from others. Ask for help.

23. When challenges occur, keep going if it feels right. Learn lessons, and make changes when necessary.

24. Go deeper into yourself, including whenever you need more clarity about what to do with your purpose.

25. Move forward on your path step by step. Make sure you combine your purpose and passions. Live with joy!


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