Friday, October 18, 2013

0 Lemon Diet Powerful Streamline for Body

Lemon Diet, Powerful Streamline for Body - You have been diet, but didnt get a ideal body, so your jeans are small, and you cant use it anymore because of large of your body. Dont worry, now you have alternative to get your ideal body more. Diet lemon, diet lemon will make your body more ideal.

Many celebrity they keep their slimming body bu lemon diet. Surly, Lemon have surprise effect to loss weight. Fruit juice may also increase vitality, eliminate toxins, get rid of excess fat, and make your face glow.

Benefits of detox

To lose weight, try to detoxify the body free of toxins that inhibit the digestive system. Remember, detoxification does not mean you are hungry.

Starvation will only make the body in a state of deficiency, rather than removing the poison. Therefore, reduce the consumption of foods that become waste for the body.

Detox Menu

For detox is doing more leverage, following detox menu that can be tried, as quoted Sofeminine. Instead, do a minimum of three to seven days continuously.

Wake Up

Drink a glass of lemonade. Breakfast 30 minutes after you wake. The menu can be consumed, ie, fruit salad (strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, and cherries). Can also eat other fruits, like apples, pears, or organic yogurt.
For detox is doing more leverage, following detox menu that can be tried, as quoted Sofeminine. Instead, do a minimum of three to seven days in a row.

Morning snack

A glass of lemonade, banana, a handful of sunflower seeds or pumpkin seeds.

Afternoon snack

A glass of lemonade plus cucumber, radishes, and celery.


Grilled fish with lemon juice, and steamed vegetables that you consume.

One hour before bedtime

Drink a glass of warm or hot lemonade.


Eat a salad with a blend of lemon, vinegar, and olive oil in it.


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