Friday, November 2, 2012

0 7 Ways to clear acne naturally powerful

7 Ways to clear acne naturally powerful
Acne is the main enemy of teens who want to look attractive. How to remove acne is probably advice, often from those who want clean face pimples without looking for a natural way. Each of us is often annoyed by the presence of pimples and blackheads is a beautiful and cute face to attack us without mercy. Sometimes acne raises the nose, cheeks, forehead, neck and even us. There are many methods, medicines and therapies not facial acne, was our trip. Seems to be dead, in the style, due to pimples and blackheads. It is known that the presence of Acne (especially on the face) is an important influence on self-confidence. Therefore, each with acne would be desperate for a creature called Acne, they can be removed immediately from the face or other parts of the body.
For those thick wallet can eliminate acne problem is not that difficult. Go to an expensive Salon skin care, use, follow the treatment, product, finished Deh. But what about those who are thinner wallet (like me for example) there is no hope to get rid of pimples with low cost? Therefore, I have some tips that might make you feel like you were an antidote because we have been released from the bright red star in front (of the Earth) are tips on cheap natural very easy to use. How can I remove acne naturally from friends and life experiences and to get a little more from her mother, who was previously known hasiatnya of our ancestors.
As to eliminate acne naturally
1. Anyone already familiar with rose that Lemon/Lime + water.
Lemon, orange juice and fruit contains citric acid compatriots, who is very rich, where citric acid is very good for the skin of dead cells, which can be moved, causing acne. to achieve this is the mixing of juice/lemon juice with rose water and apply on the face and leave it for 10-15 minutes. Then Rinse with warm water. Applying this treatment regularly and systematically for 15 days in a memorable to use and see what happens (they have a lot to prove to me).
2. protein
To do this is to remove the yolk and egg white. Whisk briefly and then to the side and let it rest for 15 minutes. Protein will help the oil on the face, often causing acne.
3. Toothpaste
One thing to remember here toothpaste used were a form of pasta, instead of forming a clot (as the magnification). The trick is almost identical spaces, two excess. Apply toothpaste on acne and other places around the pimples before sleeping. Let the night/in the morning hours and then Rinse with clean sand.
4. The tomatoes
Fruits are good for this except the eyes very efficiently removes black comedones (blackheads). The first thing to do, cut the tomatoes in half and rub the entire facial acne and leave for 15 minutes – 1 hour and then wash. and food for the care of the Interior.
5. Aloe Vera
CAUTION do not use the crocodile's tongue into his mouth, himself, to tell you a piece of aloe vera, cut into several pieces, Peel the outer skin, apply on the pimple growth and repeat the process, every morning and evening. If you're patient enough, acne may be capable of ekfobizoyme and chipping for 3 days. Also Aloe Vera is also able to remove that Get stubborn acne. Again, the key is only one patient!
6. Garlic
There are two ways to deal with garlic to get rid of acne. Originally by mashing up two or more garlic until very soft, and then applied the facial acne. Will stand for 10 minutes, rinse. The second way is to take one or more of garlic every day.
Many argue that both ways are very effective, but for those of you who maybe doesn't like the smell of garlic better somewhere else. Don't worry, there are many other natural ways, which I'll explain below.
7. Always clean face
Always attentive to clean face every day from road dirt and dust. For us it is always on and in the field of road dust so thoroughly to Cleanse your face before or after activity. As a consumer from the inside, then you multiply vegetable meals and drinking water. Who doesn't like vegetables!, the fruits that contain water, is an alternative in the treatment of the face from the inside. Since the content in fruits and vegetables have been included, believed to be a person seeking cleaner and brighter.
That's 7 ways to clear acne naturally strong. Luckily for you
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2012 i wanna free acne Health basic