Friday, November 2, 2012


1. Vitamins - one of the safest home remedies for acne is treatment through vitamins such as niacin, vitamin A, and Vitamin E.
For effective results, you'll likely have to take at least 100 milligrams (mg) of niacin, 50,000 international units of vitamin A three times a day and 400 mg of vitamin E once daily for at least one month. Of course, check with your physician if you're not sure.
For starters, consider using some of these acne home remedy methods to get rid of your pimples, blemish and blackheads etc:

2. Zinc - the use of zinc in curing acne is becoming more popular in the field of nutrition and wellness nowadays. After showcasing impressive results in some acne cases, more and more people are now taking in zinc in therapeutic dosages of 50 mg one to three times daily. Try this daily for a month and then reduce the dose to 25 mg a day. Stop using it if you get undesirable side effects.
Available in tablet and in capsule forms, the acquisition of zinc is now related to the treatment of acne. In its tablet form, zinc can be purchased under the name Zinfet in 200 mg capsule form, or it can be bought under the name Ulseal at 220 mg a pill. The product may also be simply labelled Zinc and each drug store often has their own brand name, which can cost less than popular brands.

3. Orange peels - strange, but true, aside from being a good source of vitamin C, an orange peel has become a popular home remedy for curing acne. After pounding the peel with water on a piece of stone, the patient can apply the mixture on to the areas affected by acne.
4. Lemons - don't laugh, this is probably one of the simplest remedies you can do at home to cure your acne. By extracting the lemon fruit juice and applying it regularly on the skin, you can terminate persistence pimples that may cause acne.
For starters, consider using some of these acne home remedy methods to get rid of your pimples, blemish and blackheads etc:

5. Garlic - Contrary to common conception, the use of garlic is indeed one of the most effective ways to treat facial blemishes. By rubbing raw garlic on the affected area several times a day, it acts like an acne cleanser and you can achieve clearer skin in a short period of time.
And by eating at least three seeds of raw garlic daily for a month, you can purify your blood stream and cleanse it to keep problematic bacteria away. Of course, nobody will want to get near you, but that's just the price you might have to pay for a while - just kidding.
6. Coriander and mint juice - okay, we are not losing our minds here - some people have used this with success - another known effective home remedy for acne is the application of coriander juice, or mint and turmeric powder mixture on the face. Make sure that you cleanse your face thoroughly before applying it at night.

7. Fenugreek paste remedy - aside from using its seed to make curry powder, fenugreek, through its leaves, can be a useful treatment for acne. Making a paste out of its leaves, you can produce a facemask that can be applied at night to prevent pimples and blackheads.
8. The cucumber answer - grated cucumber is considered as the best toner for the skin. By applying grated cucumber slices on the face, eyes, and neck for 15 to 20 minutes a day for a week or so, you can eliminate persistent blackhead and pimples.

9. Fruit and a well balanced diet - eating fresh juicy fruits apples, pears, grapes, peaches, and pineapples and peaches combined with healthy vegetables can eliminate the possibility of developing acne.

10. Other home remedies for acne include exposure to the sun (in moderation and with proper sunscreen applied) and even a hot epsom salts bath.
The aforementioned home remedies for acne have worked for many people and they might work for you too. Good luck and check with your family doctor if you have any concerns or questions.


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2012 i wanna free acne Health basic