- Food that helps in burning fat – Honey and egg plays the role of burning fat of 60 to 70 calories . Ricotta cheese helps to burn around 40 to 45 calories. Dark chocolate burns around 125 to 150 calories. Shrimp reduces 60 calories after consumption.
- Drinking water should not be considered as an alternative to juices or cold drinks. There should be maximum emphasize on drinking 8 glasses of water or 2 litres of water per day.
- Noting down food intake on daily basis helps to check extra food intake and controlled fat gain.
- Should always long for walking up and down the staircase and take effort to walk on the street as much as possible every day.
- Should take five or six meals per day than two to three large meals per day. This helps to take less calorie even in consuming same amount of food.
- There should be 45 minutes walk every day to ensure atleast 300 calories fat burning.
- Interaction with a weight loss friend keeps your adrenalin and motivation for the effort.
- Women wearing girdles find it more easy to loose weight as it holds tight across abdomen and flatten it by distributing the fat. These girdles also work as a belly band after pregnancy for women after child delivery. This works for both caesarean and women without c-section.
We will also discuss about extreme techniques for women who want to look slim and ready to work religiously and go the extra mile for weight loss in short time. Some of the extraneous techniques are as follows
- Smoking habit sometimes work wonders with weight loss. It kills the appetite for eating food and thus fats. Though it has side effects which cannot be recommended to follow. But, a good excuse for smokers
- Fasting 3 days a week with water also helps a lot in loosing weight. But, no alternate day fasting to be followed as because it harms metabolism of the body. There are chances of loosing atleast 0.5 to 1 kg body weight per day initially. It has its dark side for using the technique like it creates fatigue, loss in energy, headache etc.
- Diet pills helps in killing appetite for food and thus loose weight. These drugs are herbal in nature ,but, has extreme side effects.
Corset weight loss is indeed the best technique for the working women out of all the suggested easy and extreme techniques of reducing weight in a short span. Even the best girdle will start showing results in 4 weeks time.
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