Q: Ive started buying some staple items like dried fruits, grains, and nuts in bulk to save money. However, storage has become a bit of a problem! I have probably a dozen plastic store bags flopping around in my pantry right now. They rip easily, are hard to measure from, and slide all over the place. Plus its hard to tell what is in each bag.

A: JL, I do two things:
- Use plastic Tupperware or Chinese food soup containers, which hold those odds and ends that seem to end up all over the place. Theyre cheap, stackable, and you can throw them out when they start to get kind of funky.
- For our wedding, we received two sets of OXO storage containers (pictured upper right). Theyre a bit expensive at the outset, but they have been FANTASTIC at keeping our various sundries in check. Plus, they look pretty. Highly suggested.
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