Tuesday, March 4, 2014

0 Guava a panacea for diabetes and diarrhea

Guava, a panacea for diabetes and diarrhea - Guava fruit is kind of easy in asia pacific. In addition it contains a lot of water, this fruit also has many health benefits for the body. Not infrequently, other parts of the guava fruit is used as a cure for the disease. Want to know what are the properties? Here are the health benefits of guava water for our bodies, as reported Boldsky.

The health benefits of guava

Guava may help treat diabetes, hemorrhoids, diarrhea, infertility in women, dysentery and liver problems.


This condition affects diabetics pancreas and blocking conversion of starch into sugar. Cashew water has glucose in it called jamboline which can be dried and pounded them to dust. This powder can be added to water and taken three to four times a day to help reduce the sugar in the urine.

Cultivate guava

Seeds, leaves and bark of guava fruit can be dried and turned into powder. This powder can be mixed with water and drunk regularly two to three times a day to stop the diarrhea.


Although all types of guava fruit is edible, including the part of the tree itself, you do not have to eat these foods in excess. Theore, eating guava excessive water can cause coughing and phyla in the lungs and pain in the throat and chest.

Remember, healthy food that is consumed in excess can also have a negative impact on health. So, eat your food wisely and do not overdo it.


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