Friday, April 12, 2013

0 Cucumber benefits for beauty

What woman does not want to look beautiful? Without any coercion, any woman would want to always look beautiful. In fact, in some societies take shortcuts like surgery to obtain such beauty. And, in fact we can still make use of the natural resources that exist in our surrounding one of which is cucumber.

Cucumbers, other than in consumption as a vegetable dish or a complement, there were many people who use cucumbers for their beauty. Here are some benefits of cucumber for the beauty that deserves to be in the see by the weaker sex:

1. Skin care
Not only is it a high water content, cucumbers are also rich in vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, and minerals such as potassium, magnesium, silica and manganese. These compounds play an important role in skin care. If it is applied as a mask, cucumber able to tighten the skin.

2. Reduce dark circles on the eye
Silica content of antioxidants and are also available on the cucumber is useful to rejuvenate and make your skin feel smooth and soft. If applied in the eyes, cucumbers can reduce dark circles on the eye there quickly and safely.

3. Reduce excess oil on the face
Having oily skin is very disturbing appearance. If you experience this, you can try to create a mask of cucumber that can neutralize oily skin at the same time address the problem of acne that usually comes on the skin type.

4. Reduce swelling in the eye socket
Cucumber contains ascorbic acid which can reduce water retention so as to minimize the swelling of the eye.

5. Reduce black spots on the face
Exposure to sunlight lagsung can cause black spots on the skin. Cucumbers can be used as a tonic to the way in scar then applied in all parts of the face and neck, this will be a tonic to reduce and prevent the appearance of black spots.

Similarly, some of the benefits of cucumber for the beauty above, preferably before deciding to select a shortcut, it helps you try a natural order for reducing the risk of side effects.


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