Saturday, April 6, 2013

0 Benefits of soursop leaves for cancer

Annona muricata or often we are familiar with the soursop fruit is a fruit that many of us have encountered in various places and are often presented in the form of juice. Because it has a good taste, high nutritional content and texture of the meat is soft, soursop fruit is suitable in daily consumption. But who would have thought, was not only the flesh of the fruit can be utilized, the leaves also have a tremendous benefit to our health.

There are a lot of cancer patients who use soursop leaves for cancer gnawing at them. Not only those who are suffering from cancer, in many societies that do cancer prevention programs also believe the efficacy of soursop leaves for cancer.

The real cause of the cancer itself diverse and can not be clearly ascertained, but the majority of cancer due to natural factors or genetic heredity. So, for those of you who have immediate family members who stay cancer, then most likely you will be susceptible to the same cancer. However this can be prevented by adopting a healthy lifestyle early on.

Not only heredity, smoking a cigarette and drinking habits of alcohol can also lead to cancer. Neither the consumption of foods containing chemicals, it will open up opportunities for your body, especially cancer of cancer that occurs in the gastrointestinal tract. See also, mafaat soursop fruit for babies.

For those of you who are doing the prevention or treatment of cancer, you can listen to some of the benefits of soursop leaves for cancer following:

1. The content that is in the leaves of the soursop will attack cancer cells with naturally effective without causing nausea.
2. Soursop leaves can protect the immune system and prevent deadly infections.
3. Power works as an herbal remedy killer 10,000 times stronger in slowing the growth of cancer cells when compared to the chemo therapy is commonly done.
4. Unlike the case with chemotherapy, soursop leaves work selectively kill only the bad cells that can be deadly, but does not harm or kill healthy cells.

Those are some of the benefits of soursop leaves for cancer. Hopefully useful for those who need information about the benefits of soursop leaves for cancer.


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