If you are willing to enlarge your breast, without the side effects of modern surgeries, without losing your money or even your life, give a try to this home made Fenugreek seeds drink
For centuries, Moroccan women have been using Fenugreek seeds to enlarge their breasts naturally. This is by far the most trusted solution, the cheapest and also the most publicly credited to yield startling results in a matter of days and without any side effects.
Fenugreek seeds are used in Middle Eastern, African and Indian cuisine. They are the main ingredient of the famous curry powder. They are used also in Moroccan barley soup as well meat or chicken tagines and “Rfissa”. These lovely flavorful yellow seeds are packed with rare nutriments; their versatility allows them to be used as a spice, food or condiment. For that matter they can be found in Middle Eastern shops or any ethnical grocery stores.
Fenugreek drink for natural breast enlargement:
1-Take an equivalent of two tablespoons of dried Fenugreek seeds, sort them then wash caully with tap water.
2- Let them soak in a covered cup of water overnight at room temperature.
3- Drink the water every morning. Refill the cup with fresh water reusing the same seeds for about two to three days.
4- Discard the seeds or eat them, then start a new cycle.
5- After a month or so you will start getting outstanding results.
What are the side effects of Fenugreek seeds?
There are no side effects of consuming fenugreek seeds, you will only experience mild rise of appetite in the first few days.
Are they safe?
Fenugreek seeds are as safe as your daily bread, or any other mundane food. They can be savored by all your family members. I remember when my mum was still preparing her delicious barley soup we used to enjoy before heading to schools.
Can Fenugreek seeds enlarge men’s breast?
No! They can be consumed my males, kids without a hitch. The main active phytonutrients behave differently depending on the gender.
What are some other health benefits?
Fenugreek seeds can increase tremendously breast milk production in nursing mothers of as much as 900%! Several clinical studies have shown that Fenugreek seeds or Fenugreek extract can be a greet tool for nursing mothers surfing of lack of adequate milk supply.
They are also used to increase appetite and in healing join pain with any side effects. In India, Fenugreek seeds are used to heal everything.Fenugreek seeds can increase tremendously breast milk production in nursing mothers of as much as 900%! Several clinical studies have shown that Fenugreek seeds or Fenugreek extract can be a greet tool for nursing mothers surfing of lack of adequate milk supply.
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