We rely on eating vegetables and other natural foods grown in magnesium rich soils as our source of this vital mineral. Most people don’t eat enough fresh vegetables to supply adequate magnesium while poor farming practices have depleted the mineral from most commercially grown crops. You can ensure that you receive magnesium though diet and supplementation to stave off heart disease and metabolic dysfunction.
Magnesium Deficiency Linked with Diabetes
Magnesium is used by hundreds of enzymes in our body to regulate blood sugar metabolism. The mineral is known to dampen the flames of inflammation that interferes with healthy blood sugar and can lead to insulin resistance. The results of a study published in the journal Biologic Trace Elements Research shows that as magnesium levels in the blood increase, the risk of Type II diabetes declines in a corresponding fashion. By boosting levels of fat storage hormones such as adiponectin, magnesium plays a critical role in protecting metabolic function and lowering risk of diabetes.
Magnesium Protects Against Sudden Cardiac Death

Magnesium is necessary to relax blood vessels and arteries while maintaining normal blood pressure. Further research has demonstrated the effect of magnesium on dangerous plaque formation. Low levels of magnesium are associated with the development of foamy plaque on the inner lining of the coronary arteries as well as thickening of the artery walls. High levels of magnesium were shown to decrease arterial wall thickness by 42%.
Magnesium from Diet or Supplements

Magnesium levels are grossly deficient due to mineral depletion from soils and a diet of synthetically produced foods. It`s no coincidence that humans have evolved to be reliant on a natural mineral to prevent heart disease and metabolic dysfunction. Magnesium has been plentiful in our food for generations and must be consumed as part of a natural diet or through supplementation to ensure optimal health.
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