Wednesday, May 14, 2014

0 The eyes look sunken and black This is why!

The eyes look sunken and black? This is why! - Lack of sleep is not a trivial matter that can be ignored. Sunken eyes indicate that you do not sleep well for a period of time. And trouble sleeping can cause a variety of health problems such as memory loss, high blood pressure and even diabetes. Before its too late, here are four medical cause why the eyes appear sunken, as reported Boldsky.

1. Unbalanced diet or extreme

If youre on an extreme diet to lose weight, you may begin to realize that your eyes look very haggard. When you lose the layer of fat in the face, the eyes will appear sunken. This is not a sign of good health. You should look for a more balanced way to weight loss.

2. dehydration

Loss of large amounts of water from the body also causes sunken eyes. Drink plenty of water every day, which is at least 8-10 glasses a day.

3. recovery

If you are recovering from serious illnesses such as dengue fever or malaria, you will have dark circles under the eyes and the eyes will look very concave. That means you need a lot of rest and a healthy diet to make eyes look healthy again.

4. Lack of vitamin

Malnutrition is responsible for the presence of dark circles under the eyes and sunken eyes. Lack of Vitamin C and K can make the eyes look sunken and tired. Even iron deficiency can make you look tired and dull.

Here are four medical cause for the eyes that look sunken. Remember, lack of sleep and dehydration is not a trivial problem that you can ignore. Health problems that might be simple if left unchecked can also be dangerous and life-threatening.


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