1) The Kitchn: Why Does Soup Explode Out of My Blender?
I can’t tell you how often I’ve done this. How many more long-sleeved t-shirts must die?

From tomato tossing to cheese rolling to the Great Belgian Orange Throw of ’09, this collection of bizarre carnivals will amaze your friends, impress your parents, and possibly shoop.
3) Lifehacker: Store Brand Foods that Save You Money Without Sacrificing Taste
Consumer Reports just did a study comparing brand named groceries to generics. And? The generics, which cost an average of 27% less, did as well or better in most tests (except barbecue sauce, which … granted).
4) LA Times: With Master Cleanse, Clarity Gained – With a Twist
The Master Cleanse (for which you eat nothing but maple-and-cayenne spiked lemonade for ten days) supposedly clears your mind, revs up your appetite, and helps you lose weight. Writer Jessica Gelt tried it. This is her light-headed, calorie-deprived story.
5) Money Saving Mom: Lessons I’ve Learned from the Pantry Challenge
Recently, MSM readers took the Pantry Challenge, in which they cooked for a week using their pre-existing stocks of food. Guest poster Jennifer learned a ton in the process, and her observations should help any burgeoning frugalist.
6) New York Times: Six Meaningless Claims on Food Labels
In which the Gray Lady confirms that “All Natural” (and five other dastardly claims) mean absolutely nothing, like a Kate Hudson movie or promises from your landlord.
7) Ellen: Ellen is Sugar-free - Day 4
Ms. DeGeneres and one of her writers are going sans sugar for an entire week, and keeping a video diary about the ordeal. Ellen’s a vegan, so I don’t expect this to affect her too much, but the writer is having headaches and sleeping issues. Writers: oh, how we suffer.

Go for the sweet pics of vintage cereal boxes like Waffle-Os and C3POs, but stay for the best blog banner EVAH.
9) Casual Kitchen: Mindful Chewing – How to Cut Your Calorie Intake in Half Without Feeling Hungry
Remember the olden days of yore, when your grandparents told you to chew each piece of food 20 to 30 times before you swallowed? Turns out, they were right. They were right about EVERYTHING. (Except the War of the Worlds debacle. Oh, New Jersey. You so crazy.)
10) MSN Smart Spending: Would you pay more for less Coke?
You know those new mini Coke cans? The 8-ounce dealies that supposedly restrict your calorie intake by restricting portion sizes? According to MSN, they’re “50% to 140% more per ounce than the regular 12-ounce cans,” not to mention TERRIBLE for birds and trees and such. And your health. There is no upside here.
Bon Appetit: The 10 Rules of Making Nachos
Who loves ya, baby?
Hide Your Arms: 200 T-Shirts for Food Lovers
Just in time for V-day! (Thanks to the Kitchn for the link. Speaking of which...)
The Kitchn:
Making Smoothies Easy – Tips from Alton Brown Raw to Sweet – How to Change the Intensity of Onions
What are Light and Savory Ways to Use Canned Pumpkin?
Another week, another spectacular collection of posts from the Kitchn. These are but a few of mah favorites.
Lifehacker: Repurpose Your Rice Cooker to Make Tasty One Pot Meals
Short, sweet starter article on the beauty of the rice cooker, The Husband-Elect loves his more than he loves Batman. Which is a lot.
New York Post: Manhattan Snack Lack
Big Apple-ites are thin because we/they don’t snack. I thought it was from the constant beatings.
Slashfood: Budweiser Launches 55-calorie Beer
Written by a five-year-old and drawn by his 29-year-old brother, Axecop is the story of a cop with an axe. Also, Unibaby, the baby with a unicorn head. Hilarious and excellent. If you read nothing else this week...

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