Well, if you need a boost to go this route, we tell you who recently discovered through a study done in the United States, at Mayo Clinic, the woman has one chance in three of developing cancer , although 65 % of these diseases can be prevented if we took a healthy lifestyle .
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To achieve this lifestyle is necessary to consider health in a comprehensive way , as this will enjoy a fuller life. To this end , we present a pattern of behavior and health tips that provide a better quality to our existence. Follow them and you will see the changes.
1 - Leading an active life
A sedentary lifestyle only brings inconvenience to our body , so we are looking how to perform exercises at home or you play sports outside.
If not possible, go for a walk at least half an hour a day. Remember that your heart is a muscle that needs exercise to stay healthy , like the rest of the muscles in your body.
The exercises , especially aerobic , help you stay healthy, strong and reduce stress, lose weight , prevent disease and , of course, live longer.
2 - Monitor food
It is not becoming obsessive with the theme and made counting calories all day , but have the awareness to go into choosing the best food market in order to enjoy better health.
Find the way to lead a balanced diet that does not neglect any necessary food for your body , ie , including vegetables, fruits , poultry , vegetables, fiber and plenty of fluids.
3 - Reduce intake of saturated fats
At this point it must be clear that there is much less to remove , but not have them everyday consumer .
I mean , you can eat a pizza or junk food once a week or every ten days, but the rest of the time seeks to include healthier foods to your diet .
In addition , experts advise harness the cooking broth containing nutrients that flow of food to be cooked , and use a lid to bake them to recover condensate , steam rich in nutrients . It is best to cook steamed vegetables to boil .
4 - Eat more fruits and vegetables
This item no more science. We all know the benefits of fruits and vegetables and healthy they are. We deliver a host of vitamins and minerals, plus fiber rich , ideal for maintaining normal digestion .
5 - Per whole grains and good fats
Eat well in every way, always with more fruits, vegetables , grains, lean meats , keeping the limit calories and saturated fats and observing the size of the portions you serve .
6 - No smoking
The snuff is the most common form of drug abuse and the cause of death most preventable , according to studies done in the United States.
Smoking can cause heart attacks , stroke , emphysema , chronic bronchitis and cancers of the lung , larynx , mouth , esophagus , bladder , pancreas and cervix . Not for nothing is that each year more than 440,000 people die from diseases caused by the use of snuff .
7 - Maintain a healthy weight
They have conducted research that has shown that excess weight is a serious health problem for many people, and that increases your risk of developing serious diseases, including heart , stroke , diabetes , cancer and high blood pressure .
Low weight, on the other hand , is directly related to heart problems , low resistance to infections , chronic fatigue , anemia , depression and other diseases.
These diseases are preventable if a balanced diet and weight carried , ie , if a normal and balanced level remains controlled. To do this, it is best to change habits, including eating and physical activity. This makes it possible to maintain a healthy weight for life .
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